Prologue 1 | Red and Pink

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I do not own Kuroko no Basket's general plot line and quotes nor do I own any of the characters in Kuroko no Basket. It is respectively owned by Fujimaki Tadatoshi. I only own the main story plot line and the OC characters.

Spoiler Alerts

Before your read this fan fiction, it is highly recommended that you finish all three seasons of Kuroko No Basket, as this fan fictions contains many spoilers that are revealed in season three.


The click clack of keys fitting into their lock echoed through the house.

"Mama! Papa!"

Satsuki leapt to her feet with a squeal. Her eyes shone as the door squeaked open revealing a middle aged man with a goofy grin and a pink-haired woman with a gentle smile. Immediately they were engulfed in the arms of Satsuki as she rubbed her head on their shoulder with fondness.

"I missed you so so so much!" Satsuki cried.

She released them from her grip making way for her younger twin sister who followed from behind to welcome their parents home.

"Mama, Papa," Chiharu greeted shyly.

Mr and Mrs Momoi tenderly smiled as they looked upon their youngest twin daughter, Chiharu, who had spent most of her childhood away from them. When she had come back, they noticed she had an air of wariness that she carried herself with. Reserved in her conversation and behaviour, they struggled to accept that this was the same bright and outspoken child who begged to go overseas with their relatives 3 years prior. After all that was said and done they both swore that they would never let her leave again. They spread their arms welcoming both twin daughters into another embrace.

"We're back, Satsuki, Chiharu."


Teiko Middle School.

An elite school renowned for their elite basketball club. Three strings and three gyms. The advanced move forward and the talentless move back. Only one philosophy has ever existed in their books; 'Ever-Victorious'.

Chiharu bit into her red bean bun, relishing its sweetness. She closed her eyes and let the steam rise to warm her face, calming her nerves. As she chewed and swallowed, she felt the warmth move down to her belly and she felt better.

She looked up at the looming tall walls of her new middle school, the place she would be spending the next 3 years at. 

Teiko Middle School.

Imagining all the new people she would meet and talk to brought butterflies to her stomach. If she had the choice she would stay home, read books and pass time with her family. But Satsuki whined and eventually convinced her to attend school with her and since they had spent a lot of time away from each other, Chiharu agreed.

A sudden loud cry drew Chiharu out of her thoughts.

"Dai-chan!" yelled Satsuki. 

She scrunched up her face into a frown and hit Daiki hard on the head. Daiki bent low, hand on head, sucking his breath in with an equally loud noise as he exaggerated the pain from the blow.

"That hurt Satsuki!" complained Daiki, rubbing his head. 

He made out a small wince and Satsuki instantly felt bad for hitting him. As Satsuki quickly apologised, Daiki turned to Chiharu and grinned. He looked back to Satsuki winking to her astonishment before he grabbed Satsuki's bun, successfully stealing it. He stuck out his tongue and dashed away.

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