Chapter 32 - Oha Asa's always right

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"Are you sure, you're wearing that?!" Chiharu spluttered, her face a furious shade of beetroot.

For the past hour, she had been trying to hold a decent conversation with Akashi but her eyes couldn't help but move down to his neck and narrow at the red scarf and red gloves he adorned. He looked at Chiharu, a smirk playing on his lips as he eyed her red cheeks.

"How could I not?" he teased in reply, leaning his head on top of Chiharu pink hair. 

Instead she looked away and down to her basket, trying to distract herself away from the male's teasing.

"I'm so excited!" she squealed as she opened her basket for the fifth time, just to make sure she had everything. "Pocky for Murasakibara-kun, magazines for Aomine-kun and Kise-kun, red bean snacks for Midorima-kun, a Kyoto blend of vanilla milkshake for Kuroko-kun and souvenirs for Satsuki-nee," she counted.

Akashi looked into her bag too, smiling at the familiar items he had seen with his team back in middle school. The Generation of Miracles were gathering for the first time since Winter Cup.


At the Meeting Place

"Nee, Aka-chin, what are you wearing?" Murasakibara asked, lazily chewing on the pocky Chiharu had given him earlier.

The rest of the Generation of Miracles leaned in to their conversation. They were also curious as to why their rich friend was wearing a scruffy pair of scarf and gloves. 

Akashi calmly grinned, taking Chiharu's hand in his own, much to her reluctance and embarrassment.

"Chiharu made it for me," he answered.

"Ohh... wait WHAT??!" they exclaimed.

Chiharu frowned, a bit offended that they had never considered her making it.

"Is there a problem?" she questioned.

"Satsuki's so bad at everything," Aomine justified, hands in his pocket as he looked away.

Satsuki flushed at his comment and hit his head. "Well excuse me!"

"Harucchi, make me something too!" exclaimed Kise, looking at Akashi's scarf in jealousy.

Akashi narrowed his eyes at Kise. The blond jolted before retreating behind Kuroko.

Midorima came up from the side.

"Oha Asa said Sagittarius' lucky item was a red scarf. But apparently the colour pink brings bad luck," he commented.

Chiharu, hearing this, nervously frowned. She looked at Akashi, awaiting his response but he appeared indifferent to Midorima's comments.

Of course. 

He wasn't the type to believe in superstition.

She, however, was worried out of her mind. Satsuki, noticing her agitation, quickly moved up to Midorima, tugging his arm and dragging him away.

When out of Chiharu and Akashi's hearing range, she angrily lectured to him, "Midorin, it took forever to get those two together. Please - don't - spoil - it."

Midorima pushed his glasses up his nose, realising what he had said. He looked away.

"Oha Asa's always right," he muttered.

The crew moved down the pathway and towards a local park. They were going to play a game of basketball together. After the Winter Cup where all of them had faced defeat against Kagami and Kuroko; all of them had relived the fun of playing basketball as a team.

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