Chapter 4.5 | Haru-cchi's lucky item

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Chiharu could see three very familiar figures waiting beyond the train ticket gates.

Kuroko looked the same as always with his light blue hair and short stature. In one hand he held a vanilla milkshake whilst his other hand was gripped tightly by Satsuki. Whilst Satsuki secured Kuroko's arm to one side, she faced the other direction towards Aomine. Her face was scrunched up as if giving a long lecture to Aomine who responded to her speech with a yawn.

As Chiharu walked closer, Kuroko noticed her.

"Momoi-san," Kuroko greeted.

"Kuroko-kun," Chiharu replied with a nod.

Satsuki turned after hearing their greeting. She let go of Kuroko's arm and leapt towards Chiharu.

"Chi-chan!" Satsuki exclaimed.

Chiharu opened her arms and both sisters hugged. Living alone in Kyoto was hard. She had no one to turn to after her horrible confrontation with Akashi and she began to question her own confidence and her own resolve.

She felt Satsuki's hand pat her head as if understanding everything she had been through. Chiharu buried her face into Satsuki's shoulder letting her older sister comfort her for those few seconds.

She lifted her head, feeling much better. Turning to her side, she looked at the only person she hadn't greeted yet.

"Daiki," she said with a smile.

Aomine glanced at her and nodded his head.

"Chiharu," he replied.

At the end of their greetings, Satsuki clapped her hands. She glanced at the heavy bag Chiharu carried with her and then motioned a look towards Aomine.

Aomine groaned.

"Why me?" he complained.

But he looked towards Kuroko and more specifically Kuroko's skinny, feeble arms. Aomine groaned again, before taking the bag from Chiharu, swinging it over his shoulder and walking ahead. Satsuki grinned and she hooked one arm with Kuroko and the other with Chiharu before yelling, "Kaijo we go!"


The squeaking of basketball shoes brought back fond memories of Chiharu's American friends, Emi and Alex. Even further than that, she remembered staying back waiting for Akashi, Satsuki and the rest of the generation of miracles after their school basketball practice.

But not all these memories were great.

She remembered the harsh comments she had to endure whilst waiting on the sidelines in the gym. She remembered the stares she was given and the gossip that surrounded her after she started dating Akashi.

But these were things of the past. She looked up alongside Satsuki, Aomine and Kuroko as the group peered into Kaijo High School's gym.

"They have basketball practice on Saturday?" questioned Chiharu, surprised.

"Yep. Ki-chan told me that he'll be here when we go look for him. The Inter High is coming up so his whole team is working hard," answered Satsuki.

Satsuki scanned the gym for signs of blond hair. Instead, she caught sight of the Kaijou High basketball captain.

"Kasamatsu Yukio, point guard and captain!" she excitedly recited in recognition.

Kasamatsu looked up at the sound of his name. It was a girl's voice that had called him and he blushed. His eyes narrowed at the group of four that he had never seen before.

"Momocchiiiii!!!' yelled Kise suddenly as he ran into the gym from behind them.

He slowed as he neared the group.

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