Chapter 19 - Summer Sparks

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"Bye bye Grandma Koji!" Chiharu yelled out to the small but stout woman. 

Akashi lifted a hand and waved at Grandma Koji as well.

Grandma Koji's voice came out succinct and clear. 

"Sara and I have given our blessings. You don't need to worry about Masaomi too. I'll talk to him," she said whilst grinning.

Akashi didn't know what Grandma Koji was going to do to make his hell-like father obey her, but he was sure he didn't want to know.

They fit themselves into the back of the five seater family car, their luggage packed in the boot. The Momoi couple sat themselves in the front seats whilst Satsuki joined them at the back.

There were about three to four weeks left of Summer break and Chiharu was going to spend it all in Kyoto. She had made plans with the basketball club, Kisara, the uncrowned trio and most of all, Akashi.


Chiharu tapped her phone nervously. She was waiting for a text from Kisara. It had been a week since she had come back from Tokyo and she had also recently made plans with Akashi to go to the Summer festival.

It was today.

She had asked for advice from Kisara on what she should wear.

And of course she had said a yukata.

Since Chiharu did not have any with her in Kyoto, Kisara had offered to bring a set for her. Apparently Kisara had many older sisters and when they were going to throw out their Yukatas as they grew out of them, Kisara stopped them. Now she had at least five different Yukatas.

Chiharu scanned through her messages again, making sure she just hadn't missed the buzz alert. 

Kisara was late and there had not been any text messages from her. As she looked through her phone again she heard the doorbell ring. Immediately she jumped off her bed and ran towards the front door.

"Kisara!" she called, pulling it open. "You're late..." 

She paused seeing her brunette friend, red faced and sweating.

Kisara stumbled towards Chiharu as she opened the door. In her hands were a tightly packed box.

"Kisara! You have a fever!" Chiharu exclaimed as she caught her.

"Yeah. Sorry I couldn't come earlier," she mumbled. 

Chiharu quickly helped her into the house, sitting her down on the couch.

"You should've texted me if you were sick. I would've come to your house," Chiharu replied.

Kisara looked up at her friend. She smiled

"This is your first Summer festival with Akashi-san. Of course I would come and support you," Kisara answered. "Besides, I'm feeling fine. I just got a bit dizzy when finding your apartment. "

Chiharu frowned in disapproval. 

"Still..." she began.

Kisara interjected. 

"I just needed to sit down. Look, I'm fine already," she exclaimed, lifting both arms. "Let me help you into your Yukata," she continued, grinning.

Chiharu did not budge. 

Kisara gave her puppy eyes.

"Fine," Chiharu grumbled. 

"But you have to take medicine," she said as she stood up to find her medicine cabinet.

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