Chapter 21 - Promise

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Himuro was panting heavily. 

Chiharu noticed that there was something else, besides the game, that was adding to the pressure his position as a shooting guard was feeling. 

She scanned the court, unable to find where the pressure had came from.

On the other side of the court, Akashi was dribbling the ball, eyes observing the grey and black-haired figure. 

As a point guard, trying to find a way to penetrate through the inner court, he was bound to face off against Himuro. 

He smirked at the intense pressure he leaked off. From that, he knew that sooner or later Himuro would lose his speed and stamina.

He purposely eyed Hayama, feeling Himuro's eyes follow his and move towards the blond. All the while, his body moved in a totally different direction. 

Instantly the ball was in Mibuchi's hands and Mibuchi jumped back to perform a 'heaven shot'. 

However it seemed he was not fast enough to counter Murasakibara. Akashi had underestimated the talent of the Generation of Miracles as the 'heaven shot' was smacked down by Yosen's centre.

Nebuya managed to catch the ball that Murasakibara had stopped and sent it back to his captain who caught it splendidly. 

Akashi dribbled again. 

It was a show-off between Himuro and him, yet again.

Akashi had to admit that Yosen's defence was exceptional. 

Without his other self's emperor eye, he really wouldn't have been able to find a weakness in their defense. However, his timing was exceptional and as Himuro reached forward to steal the ball off Akashi's dribble, Akashi maneuvered the ball through his feet and in a loop. 

Instantly Himuro fell back, unable to keep his balance against Akashi's ankle break. Using that as his chance, Akashi jumped and shot the ball. 

He knew that with his team's screens, Yosen wouldn't be able to stop him in time.

The timer rang. 

It was a buzzer beater; Rakuzan scoring 74 and Yosen scoring 70.

Just like that, the training camp between Rakuzan and Yosen High ended. 

Rakuzan managed to win every single time, however each was by a close call. For every breakthrough that the Rakuzan players had, the Yosen players would find a solution. 

Akashi observed that it was mainly Himuro who was able to find the solution; he had the brains out of all the Yosen basketball regulars. Similar to Akashi as well, he was also part of the Student Council.

Himuro bent over, leaning on his knees as he huffed the exhaustion out of himself. 

During the training camp, he felt the need to at least beat Akashi once in anything. The way Chiharu shone when she congratulated Akashi in comparison to her pitiful smile when she encouraged him afterwards, it left his heart feeling like jelly. 

Still, he knew he would smile and accept her words when she came.

Chiharu walked forward and ruffled Himuro's hair. 

"Tatsuya, you were amazing against Seijuro," she praised with a smile. 

He looked up and gave his best smile but inside his heart shattered.

"You found yourself a great boyfriend," he stonily replied.

Chiharu was oblivious to his tone and her blush was like a knife in his heart. 

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