Chapter 18 - Affinity to Sara?

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The Azuma Firm; an elite business group, controlling several sectors of Japan's economy. Their power dates back to the Sengoku period and they are a strict household that value tradition and formality. 

The business is run by the eldest male son, Azuma Kota, and behind him is the head of the household, Azuma Koji.

Akashi's brain recited this.

The Akashi Corporation had long been fierce competitors with the Azuma Firm. So of course he knew their name; just that he had expected Azuma Koji to be a woman. He always thought that Azuma Koji would be a man. 

She had, after all, retired long before he came into the business. He had suspected something was off with Grandma Koji's name when she had introduced herself in the beginning but never expected her to be the head of the Azuma Firm. 

Not to mention Chiharu being related to the Azuma Firm.

It made sense though. 

Chiharu was fluent in the piano and excelled in her studies. She was able to afford cabs for transportation, lived in her own apartment away from her family and attended the prestigious and expensive Rakuzan High.

He should've guessed the moment Grandma Koji had introduced with the name Koji.

He turned to Chiharu, just to confirm. It wasn't that he didn't believe Grandma Koji. Her presence was discernable and she could have only gotten it from years at the top of the work force. It was just strange how he hadn't heard about it from Chiharu before.

Surely she would've mentioned it, right?

Chiharu just shrugged her shoulders. 

"I'm not an Azuma, I'm a Momoi. My grandma's business doesn't have much to do with me anyway," she murmured.

Besides Chiharu knew the two families were rivals in the business world. She did not wish to openly reveal that to him.

Akashi nodded. It was true. If you did not inherit the main family's name, you were usually not allowed to inherit the business. That was why, since young, all pressure was on him.

He turned back to Grandma Koji, bowing stiffly to the elder.

 "I'm sorry for not paying my respects to you Azuma-san," he said.

Grandma Koji laughed. 

"Ahaha, Masaomi was never this formal with me. You don't need to be either. Just call me Grandma Koji," she answered.

Chiharu's ears perked to Grandma Koji's words. 

"Grandma Koji! Does this mean you accept us going out!" she exclaimed, a grin forming on her face. 

Grandma Koji smiled sweetly, going out of her way to clench both of Chiharu's cheeks and squeeze them.

"I personally approve. However I do wish for Sara to make the final decision," she said fondly.

Chiharu could feel the sweat grow under her palms. Sara showed her approval by jumping and sitting on the head of the person she likes. When they were young, Sara would always sit on her head.

Unfortunately for Satsuki, they had a mutual dislike for each other, especially after Daiki put Sara on Satsuki's head when they were young. Since then, Sara had been avoiding Satsuki.

Therefore it was hard for Chiharu to tell who Sara liked or not. After all Chiharu and Satsuki were twins with identical appearances. 

How would Sara know?

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