Chapter 28 - Imprisonment in Death

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Chiharu felt as if her world had froze. 

She had thought everything was fine; that Akashi had changed permanently. 

But it seemed not.

She watched his figure leave. His wide back was the same, strong and steady, but she could still see that slight quiver in his movements.

Something had happened. 

Something bad.

Just as the team began moving in disarray; chattering to each other about their captain, Usami came running in. Her usually slick and tidy pale green hair was shoved in all directions whilst her pale face was dabbed in sweat, eyes widened in panic and possibly fear. Immediately Chiharu had a very bad gut feeling.

"Usami-chan!" she called to the green head who ran all the way through the gym until she stood in front of Chiharu.

Noticing the seriousness of what may happen next, Shirogane clapped his hands for basketball practice to end early. The sky had darkened, signalling the end of practice time anyway.

"W...what happened?! Akashi, he..." began Chiharu, speaking in a jumble of mutters. 

Usami's head was down as her hands leaned against her knees, her mind not processing anything Chiharu had just said. She gasped for breath as she began to question Chiharu.

"I just received a phone call from Aunt Yuka," Usami stuttered, her head quickly turning to scan the gym. "Akashi? Where is he?"

"He just left... after a phone call. His heterochromatic eyed self has returned. He's not the same," Chiharu replied.

"Shit," muttered Usami, tears forming in her eyes.

"What is it?" urged Chiharu. 

She had a growing worry and curiosity as to why Akashi's heterochromatic eyed self, that she hadn't seen in months, returned and left so abruptly.

Usami looked up at the peach head, unsure how she was going to phrase her words.

"Uncle Masaomi, he collapsed and is in critical condition. Aunt Yuka... she said that she was told by the doctors that he won't live," Usami finally let out.

Chiharu pupils dilated at the news, her mind travelling black to that maroon head figure whose golden eyes had shown her hell. 

"Seijuro's father..."

Shirogane, noticing Chiharu's lack of response to whatever Usami had told her walked forward. 

"What happened?" he asked concerned.

Chiharu couldn't say anything so instead Usami retold what she had just said. The exact same news was repeated and Chiharu knew that this could not be a bluff.

Shirogane solemnly nodded his head, dismay forming on his lips. 

"And the Winter Cup Finals are coming up..." he muttered.

Chiharu's head shot up.

Would Akashi even be in a condition to play? 

He wouldn't force himself to play right?

Chiharu turned to Usami. 

"Then Seijuro would've gone to see his father... We need to go to Tokyo."

Usami nodded her head in response. 

Akashi had just left so they would probably be able to catch up to him. But seeing the fury he left with, he would do anything to reach his father in time. There was a good chance that he had already ordered a private jet to take him to Tokyo.

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