These Past Few Days Have Changed My Life

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I open my mouth, shut it, open it again and then shut it. I have no words, I don't know what to say. This is appalling. There's a picture of Harry leaning over my chair on the balcony in a rectangular shape. You can't see my face in the photo, but then in the corner of this rectangular image is a small circular photo that has me standing on the balcony. A clear image of my face, and body. The pictures don't bother me, as much as the line underneath them does.
'Mystery girl, Harry Styles new girlfriend?' It's in block letters, in bold. I'm not his bloody girlfriend! I turn the page over, as it says more details on page five.
Last night, 14th of August, Friday, was One Direction's fourth show since their hiatus. Naturally, they should be tired after putting on an energy-filled performance for an hour and forty-five minutes. However, Harry Styles, had other plans. Harry and this mystery girl, were spotted on the balcony of Harry's room twice. Once, they had a long conversation with drinks, and the second time they were spotted getting a little too friendly. Ten minutes into their second trip to the balcony, Harry got up and decided to get cozy with this girl. As we can see in the photo on the front page, Harry and she shared an intimate kiss. According to our source, the girl didn't leave his room all night, and might still be in his room. Wonder what they're doing in there? Log onto our website for more juicy gossip!
"What the fuck?" Harry murmurs from behind me, startling me. I look over my shoulder to find his face inches from mine, staring at the newspaper article, shock written all over his face.
"I-I don't know where they got this from," I say. "We did not kiss!"
"Yeah, I know we didn't, but..." Harry lets out a frustrated groan. He passes his hand through his hair and tugs at it. "I hate paparazzi, they always make a big deal of nothing and spread fake rumors."
"Yeah," I nod my head. "This is bad, very bad." I throw the newspaper on the couch and start pacing back and forth, hands on my hips.
"Mus, calm down! I can hear your heart beat from here," Gregg says. I glare at him. If I had a short-temper his face would be in the wall behind his head. Harry looks at me with concern.
"Harry, this is bad, bad." I murmur, placing my index finger in my mouth and nibbling on the nail.
"Mus, it's fine, happens to me all the time. Just ignore it and forget about it," Harry says.
"Happens to you all the time! Not me, Harry." I wring my hands in despair. "You're one of the most famous people on this planet, people are going to know about this. News will spread like wildfire, and my face is plastered on the front page. As clear as glass!"
"Listen, Mus." Harry says, standing in front of me to stop me from pacing. I sidestep him and continue my back and forth march. "Listen!" Harry's tone is stern, and it makes me stop. I turn back to face him. "I'll drop you off at your house in ten minutes. Nobody will say anything to you and if they do, you turn to me, okay?" I nod my head, Harry's green eyes putting me in a spell, again. I hate this effect that he has on me. "Let me grab my keys, and coat and I'll take you home."
"Me too!" Gregg yells, as Harry steps into his room.
"We're in the same room, don't yell." I scold him, frowning. I remember reading about Harry's so called 'girlfriends' in tabloids, on the internet and it always crushed me. Still does, to be honest. One never knows what's true and what's not, so we just have to judge for ourselves, and believe the reporters who make a big deal out of nothing. It's not fair.
"Let's go, Mus." Harry says, stepping out of his room. A beige jacket is slung over Harry's arm, and he's holding a key chain with two keys on it, and his phone in the other. Gregg gets up and reaches the door before either of us.
"I need to get the hell home, so that I can take a long, hot shower and sleep," Gregg says. "Please drop me off first." Harry nods his head, suppressing a grin.
"Fine by me, gives me more time with Mus." Winking at me, Harry opens the door. Immediately, my ears are filled with screams, and my eyes are blinded with camera flashes. "Sid, we need to get down to the parking lot. I have to drop my friends off." A bodyguard, fully clad in black, nods his head and murmurs something into the collar of his shirt.
"Oh, so you also have a car waiting for you in the parking lot." I say, raising my eyebrow.
"I said that I'll check for taxis and hotel cars, not my car." Harry says, grinning cheekily.
"You didn't check for any means of transportation."
"You can't deny the fact that you had a great time." I want to agree with him, but I can't give the Harry satisfaction that he's right.
"That's not true. My bed, nightclothes and towels are much softer," I say. Hell, I'm lying. Every single one of that is a lie. The bed feels like a cloud, I don't have a particular set of nightclothes and the towels feel like clouds, too.
"That's a lie, Mus and you know it. If you didn't enjoy yourself, there wouldn't have been a small smile playing on your lips when I told you that I lied regarding the transportation." I was smiling? I thought that I must've looked shocked, and betrayed because that's how I was feeling. Before I can say something else, a bodyguard - the same one who nodded to Harry's words - taps Harry on the arm. He whispers something into Harry's ear.
"Mus, we need to hustle. Gregg, try to keep up." Harry instructs, taking hold of my hand. He tugs me after him, as the bodyguards part the crowd with their hands. Even then, a lot of girls touch Harry in places that I wouldn't dare to. My eyes widen each time, and I think my breathing speeds up a little as well. Harry, on the other hand, seems the least bit affected by their hands groping him. He just keeps walking, his expression neutral. Finally, after what seems like half an hour of being shoved around, we reach the elevators. I let out a long sigh of relief, as the doors shut, separating us from the girls in the hallway.
"That was insane!" Gregg says, looking amazed and shocked. "I don't have to bear with half of what we just went through."
"That's because you aren't Harry," I say. "You should feel lucky."
"'s not that bad. I understand what those girls are feeling," Harry says. "Mus, you would've done the same thing a year or two ago." True, I'm such a hypocrite.
"Sorry, you're right." Harry squeezes my hand, bringing me to the realization that he's still holding it. These past few days have changed my life.

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