From Family To A Stranger

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Harry's POV
"Food's here!" I announce, placing the four plates on the table. Harrison had told me that the buffet would probably be the most memorable part of the function, and even though he was joking, I believe him now. Because it sure as heck is the most extravagant and exquisite buffet I've ever seen in my life; Niall will be very happy. Hell, I'm happy! It has all the delicacies that I could ever dream of and name, and it also has a wide array of everyday fast food, such as buffalo wings, tacos, quesadillas and so much more. While I was piling food onto the plates, my mouth was watering. Don't know how I balanced all those plates on my arms, but I managed and I'm quite proud of myself for doing so. Mus is waiting for me at the table, her heels off and lying beside her on the grass. Her right leg is crossed over the left, and she's rubbing her ankle.
"Damn, those heels hurt like a bitch!" Mus complains, grabbing a buffalo wing and tearing into it with her teeth. I don't know if this is her frustration acting out, or if it's the alcohol. I'll blame the latter.
"Slowly, my little vixen." I say, chuckling. "Here, plates to eat on." I place one in front of her and the other in front of me. Then, I place one packet of cutlery on her plate and one on mine. I feel like I'm traveling, what with the cutlery and napkin being in these clear, plastic packets.
"Thanks," Mus mumbles. She'd made a quick run to the bathroom and in that time, she removed all of her makeup, except for the lip gloss. Now, she's my natural Mus; just the way I like it. Not once has anyone come to check up on, not Carter, or her father. We're all alone, sitting towards the corner of the garden, hidden by the shadows. This was supposed to be the table where the domestic staff would enjoy their meal and since it has more than enough chairs, we've told them they can come join us whenever they're ready to eat. They're much better company than the guests at this party and the hosts of it. Excluding Mus, of course. The boys and Kate have left the party and gone to some club, to enjoy the rest of the evening.
"When're you going back?" I ask, taking a bite of the steak. Medium rare, just the way I like it.
"To America?" Mus questions, raising her eyebrows. I nod my head. "First week of January. We have a long break and the new term doesn't start until mid Jan."
"So you're spending New Year's here?" She nods her head, frowning.
"Maybe not," Mus mumbles. "Now that you've reminded me, I think I'll head back earlier. Like maybe the coming weekend." She shrugs her shoulders and diverts her gaze back to her plate.
"We have to perform at Times Square on New Year's. Maybe you could join us, and spend New Year's with us?" I know I'm playing with fire right now. But hey, a guy's got to try, right? "I mean, that way you could also meet my friend, the publisher!" I add hastily and a tad too loudly.
"Sure, why not?" Mus agrees immediately, taking me by surprise. Didn't think she'd agree.
"Great!" I grin like a clown. Yes! I want to hug her so bad, but I control myself and keep my ass rooted to the chair. "What are your plans with Carter? I mean, have you discussed anything about marriage?" I try to act nonchalant, but even I can hear the curiosity in my tone.
"No, we haven't. He thinks about it, I can tell." Mus looks around the lawn, and then sighs. "But for me marriage is a far away thought." She chuckles. "It wasn't even in my thoughts, until this month." Mus looks at me, and flashes me a tired smile. "Everything's happening so fast, you know?"
"Yeah, I mean, you're engaged today!" I wanted to sound enthusiastic, but my voice cracks toward the end, blowing my cover. She pouts, and places her free hand on mine, which is resting on the edge of the table.
"It's just an engagement," Mus assures me. But I'm not quite sure if it's an act of reassurance, or what? I mean, the way she says it, ignites a spark of hope in me. No, don't!
"Oh, look, I didn't bring any drinks!" I push my chair backwards, and stand up. "Be right back." Gosh, what am I doing? I grab two glasses of champagne and then realize that Mus is underage. Fuck it! Who's going to call the cops here? I saunter back towards our table, watching Mus, as I do so. Her eyes are glued to my seat, as if she's still having a conversation with me. However, her face is blank, devoid of any emotion. Gosh, I love this woman to bits! She's taken over every part of me in such a short period of time that sometimes when I think about it, it scares me. Really frightens me what she can do to me. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I balance the champagne flutes in one hand, and take it out of my pocket.
'Leaked the photos of the engagement. Mr. Blackmailer won't care anymore.' It reads and it's from Liam. I had asked the boys to do so and looks like they followed through with their promise. Now I can spend time with Bump without fearing the lives of my family, or our friends. I shove my phone back into my pocket and head on towards Mus.
"This is such a great song!" Mus exclaims, the minute I place the glasses on the table. It's Little Mix's song, Secret Love Song. I smile, and nod my head.
"Mine too. How ironic, eh?" I say, holding out my hand. "If I may have this dance, M'lady?" Mus grabs hold of my hand eagerly and we make our way towards the stage, which has now been converted into a dance floor. Some couples are already there, jamming to the music. It isn't really a dancing song, but who gives a fuck?! Mus and I have vodka running through our bloodstream; we can do whatever the heck we want, and not give a flying shit. We take our positions and begin to dance slowly, in tune with the slow music. Heads turn toward us, wondering why the fuck isn't the bride-to-be dancing with her future groom? Little do they know that the current guy, holding this lovely lady, will be her future groom. I smile to myself at the thought, making Mus furrow her eyebrows.
"What?" Mus asks, smiling.
"No, tell." She insists, as always.
"I'd rather not, it'd just upset you." Mus purses her lips and nods. She knows that we're both thinking things we shouldn't and voicing them out loud just upsets her because she doesn't feel what we're doing is right. Hell, we aren't! I kissed a betrothed woman, for God's sake! There's nothing right about that, no matter what angle we see it from. But it's not cheating because the woman's lover knows she's engaged and the man she's engaged to also has a feeling in his gut that her heart belongs to another. I can tell. Carter feels insecure around me because he knows Mus harbors feelings for me. I don't feel anything, but jealousy at him because he's allowed to hold her in public and caress her without a care in the world. I, on the other hand, have to do it behind closed doors. Hence, this song also fits our situation perfectly. The good thing is that I don't feel insecure in Carter's presence because Mus has nothing but emptiness for him in her heart. The thought makes me happy and I smile contentedly once more.
"Want to know?" Mus asks, an amused smile adorning her lips.
"Don't think so," I whisper. Suddenly, my eyes move across from Mus' face, and land on Carter. He's glaring at me, eyes narrowed. However, there I can also see conflict in his eyes; he doesn't know whether to keep conversing with the man standing in front of him, or to rush toward us and be Mus' knight in shining armor. Though we all know that he's the black knight - who just thinks he's the good guy; when in reality, it ain't so. If I was in Carter's place, I'd fuck the world and just rush toward Mus, and take the man's place who is dancing with her. Sadly, we're both quite different and Carter should understand by now that Mus likes my different, more than she does his.
"Last night, you should've seen us!" I exclaim, laughing. "We danced the night away, Mus and I. It was great fun." I take a sip of my coffee. "Oh, and you know, then they played salsa music and Mus taught me how to dance to the beat. What a night!" Liam's watching and listening to me rant about my night, with an amused smile adorning his face.
"That's good to hear. I was afraid, you'd not enjoy yourself. But you definitely did," Liam says.
"I did." I agree. Mus didn't even look at Carter after the engagement ceremony was over and done with. She just stayed with me the whole night, we danced, drank, and had a lot of snacks. I felt as if we had come to a friend's party, and as per usual, were immersed in our own world. I liked it. Today, however, I haven't seen Mus since morning. I passed by her room as well and placed my ear to the door, to hear if she's awake or not. However, not a peep came from the room. But then the boys came and are now giving me company, so I'm good for a bit.
"The Royal Highness is still sleeping, eh?" Niall says, entering my room. He seats himself on the bed, beside me.
"Yeah, how'd you know?" I ask, giving him a fist bump; our daily morning greeting.
"Because you're sitting here with Liam and Louis. You'd never do that if Mus was around. When she's here, she becomes your world, Harry, and you forget about the rest of us."
"That's not true," I pout. "Of course I keep you guys in mind!"
"Oh, really? Do you remember where we went in LA, when Mus came?" I furrow my brows, thinking hard. She came for her birthday, I took her sightseeing, fought with Louis, celebrated her birthday and spent hours talking to her. Hmm...
"You guys didn't go out anywhere," I say.
"Yes, yes, we did. But you didn't notice," Liam says. He smiles understandingly. "But it's okay cause this is what love does and we - I - understand."
"Are you sure you guys even left the hotel room?" I question, not believing them.
"Lovesick puppy," Louis murmurs.
"Don't start," Liam warns him. I get off the bed, and stare at my empty coffee cup.
"I'm gonna go make myself another." I say, holding up the coffee cup. "And I'm going to check up on Mus, see if she's awake." Liam nods his head, and gets up as well.
"And I'll go and check if my princess is ready. We're going out for brunch," Liam announces. As I head downstairs, women give me weird looks. I know what they've been talking about; Mus and I, of course and the way we supposedly 'behaved' yesterday. Apparently, all of her relatives and friends, or whatever, felt that she should've spent the whole night alongside Carter. I guess that would've been the right thing to do, but so far have Mus and I ever done the right thing? As I'm making my way toward the kitchen, I pass Harrison's study. The door is slightly ajar.
"You don't get to tell me who the fuck I get to dance with!" Mus yells from inside. I stop in my tracks and take a step closer to the door.
"Mus, it doesn't look good. Last night, your engagement to Carter just took place and you were dancing the night away with another man - just imagine what people were thinking, if not saying." Harrison says, calmly. His tone, I've noticed, is always calm towards Mus.
"I've done you a favor! Now get off my back." A chair screeches. "Oh, and by the way, I'm leaving before New Year's." The door is yanked open and Mus strides out in utmost fury. She moves past in such anger and haste, that she doesn't even notice me. Harrison's eyes land on me and he purses his lips. He went from referring to me as his 'son' to calling me 'another man.'

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