What am I to do?

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"Yeah, Amaan's better now." I assure Kate, for the hundredth time.
"Can I come meet him?" Kate asks, relief and concern lacing her tone.
"Sure." I glance over at the clock that's on the wall in front of me. "Kate, my stomach's rumbling, and I really need to eat."
"Okay, fine!" Kate huffs. "You and your stomach and hunger. Bye."
"Bye, take care." I end the call. Sighing, I place it in my back pocket and get up from this highly uncomfortable plastic chair. As I'm about to enter the elevator, Rayan comes jogging toward me.
"Hey, Apps! Hold the elevator!" Rayan yells, waving his arms, as if I can't see him.
"What's the hurry?" I ask Rayan, as he bends over, inhaling deep breaths.
"I have a..." Rayan trails off, his eyes widening. I raise an eyebrow questioningly.
"You have a what?" I ask, smiling. "A date?" Rayan looks at me, an amused smile playing on his lips.
"How do you always know what's in my mind?" Rayan says, narrowing his eyes.
"Because you're my brother. Okay, so spill! Who's this date with? Is she cute?" I shower him with questions. A blush creeps up Rayan's neck, and his eyes turn toward the floor.
"She's beautiful. Her name's Lynn and I met her yesterday." Squealing, I pass my hand through Rayan's hair, spoiling his perfect quiff.
"Geez, Apps! Control," Rayan pouts. The elevator doors ding open onto the floor that holds the hospital's coffee shop.
"This is my stop. See you later," I say. I exit the elevator and wave at Rayan. He gives me a two-fingered salute. Oh, my little brother and his reputation. I turn around and bump into something hard - someone.
"Whoa, ma'am, watch where you're going." Harry says, grabbing hold of my shoulders, steadying me. I narrow my eyes at him. Ma'am?
"Ma'am? Really, Harry?" I say, smiling. He looks at me, amused.
"Well, I'm a gentleman. And gentlemen always address ladies with respect." Harry tips his fake hat. Laughing, I punch his shoulder teasingly. "Ow!"
"I don't know what you're doing, but I can bet it'll get irritating soon enough, so stop." I walk past Harry, and head toward the coffee shop. I hear him let out a short bark of laughter from behind me.
"May I join you for coffee?" Harry asks, jogging up to catch up with me.
"Are you sick?" I ask Harry, placing my palm on his forehead.
"No, am I?" Harry says, pouting.
"No fever, yet you're polite. Are you drunk?" Harry laughs and shakes his head.
"Not at all, ma'am. Since we're hanging out together, and having coffee, can I get your name?" I stop and turn to face Harry, arms crossed across my chest.
"My name? Harry, what's going on?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, you clearly know mine because of the work that I do. However, I don't know yours." Harry says, shrugging.
"Styles, you better tell me what the heck's going on right now, or else I shall lose it!" I jab my index finger into Harry's chest, and due to that he stumbles backwards, clearly caught off guard. However, he catches himself before landing on the floor.
"Okay, now I'm on a break. A break from the whole thing that I'm planning. Basically, Bumper, we're starting over. I don't know you and you don't know me. We're strangers, who just met at a hospital and are going to have coffee together. Got it, because I need to get back into character?"
"No, I haven't got it. Harry, I will not play this stupid game with you," I say. "It's childish and frankly it will get us nowhere, okay? So, grow up and act your age."
"I won't act my age. No, I won't act my age!" Harry sings at the top of his voice.
"Oh my God, you're..." A girl says, squealing. She starts huffing and breathing in and out, as if she's in labor. Harry is by her side before I can even blink.
"Are you okay?" He asks the now bent over girl. She has her hands on her knees, and she's breathing through her mouth, while tears are flowing down her cheeks.
"No! Because you're..." She wheezes, and Harry moves her toward the side of the hall that has a few metal chairs. He makes her sit down, and crouches down in front of her. As I'm watching Harry comfort this girl, who's on the verge of having a panic attack, my phone starts to ring in my back pocket.
"Hello." I say, answering the call.
"Mus, Mr. Gerald is having an emergency lecture. He sent the texts to a few students and asked them to pass it on. Something about being behind schedule, and so he has to have an emergency lecture at four." Kate says hastily.
"Four," I remove the phone from my ear and check the time. "It's already three. Shit! I don't think I can make it, Kate. Amaan's getting discharged around five and Gerald's lectures are always for one hour forty-five minutes, though I have no idea why."
"Girl, you'll have to come. He's going to give out some important notes, as Hail was saying." Huffing, I contemplate the situation in my head. Sophia will need my help while Amaan's being discharged. Plus, Rayan isn't even here.
"Bumper, what's wrong?" Harry asks, coming over to me. I look up to find a concern-filled face staring at me.
"There's an emergency lecture at college, but I don't think that I can go because Amaan's being discharged around five and I won't be able to make it back in time." I explain, biting the inside of my cheek.
"Bump, don't worry, you go and I'll take care of Amaan and Sophia." Harry says, smiling.
"Harry, you've already done so much for me and my family, I can't ask any more favors from you." I hate asking favors from other people because then I feel like I owe them and I don't like to be indebted to anyone. Harry places his hand on my arm and rubs his thumb on it, soothingly.
"Bumper, I've told you this before and I'll say it again, your family's my family. Wouldn't I want to help out my own family in times of need? You go and I'll stay. Trust me, I'll deliver everyone home safe and sound." Harry assures me. I look at him skeptically. So far, Harry has been a great support. He does know how to take care of others and Sophia likes him. She'll be comfortable working with him, but still. I don't want to leave Sophia and Amaan. You have to go, my subconscious yells. Sighing, I nod my head.
"Okay, I'll go. Thanks again, Harry. I...I don't know what I would've done without you." I say, leaning in to hug him. Harry mistakes my motion and connects his lips with mine. I gasp, as our lips come in contact. That fire that only Harry ignites in my body, passes through my veins. Suddenly, our fights, and his stupid mistake doesn't count anymore. All I want to do is kiss him and get lost in it. Harry places his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his body, so that even the wind cannot pass through between us.
"You've no idea just how much I've missed this feeling." Harry murmurs, against my lips. I let out a small, soft moan of approval. This is the bad thing about our relationship. Whenever, we come in physical contact, I lose it. I lose my mind. I lose all sense of the world around us and the only thing that matters is Harry and I. What am I to do?

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