The Aftermath Of A Breakup

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Harry's POV
"Are you crazy?!" Mum practically shrieks. I wince, and take a step back. "How could you just break up with her because some psycho hit me with his car?" She's hysteric.
"Mum, please calm down. Please sit," I say. "You're injured-"
"To hell with my injuries!" She throws her hands in the air, exasperated. "You and Mus are so...perfect together. Have you seen the way you look at her? Of course you haven't, otherwise you wouldn't break up with her." She scoffs, placing her hands on her hips. "Go to her right this instant and apologize. Where is she? God, she must be halfway across the globe by now, poor thing." Mum shakes her head in disappointment.
"On the contrary, Mum, she's upstairs. If only you would let Harry get a word in." Gemma says, entering the room. I look at her gratefully and she looks at me with sympathy filled eyes. Even Gemma feels bad that I have to endure Mum's crazy mood.
"Go to her right now, Harry." Mum says, pushing me toward her room door. I dig my heels into the soft carpet, and refuse to move an inch. Mum's strong, but she's no match for me. She huffs and tries to give me one final push, before stepping back and smacking me on the arm. "I've raised an ass!" Gemma giggles and my eyes widen.
"I'm offended." I say, placing my palm on my chest.
"And I wish I never had you." Mum takes a seat on the bed and pouts. I roll my eyes, looking at Gemma for help. She just shrugs her shoulders and silently conveys the message that I'm on my own. If family won't help when you need their help, what's the use of having family?
"Mum, I know you don't mean that." I say, taking a seat next to her feet. I place my hand on her knee, but she pushes it off.
"Harry, don't even." Mum says, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Mum, I'm not being rude and trying to upset you more, but you cannot tell me who to and not to date."
"I can when the reason why you're leaving an amazing girl is because of me." Mum looks at me with fury in her gaze. Before I can control it, a small smile plays across my lips because her furious gaze reminds me of Mus. I get smacked by Mum, yet again. "And here you are, laughing."
"I'm sorry," I whisper. She rolls her eyes ad purses her lips. I can tell that we're going to get nowhere with this conversation. However, I don't want to leave her room because then I'll have to go to mine and that's where Mus is. We have no hard feelings between us, but I know if I go in there, then I'll be tempted to touch her, hold her and kiss her. That's something she'll never allow me to do. Sighing, I get off the floor and pace a few times in front of Mum's bed.
"Stop procrastinating and just go to your room and face Mus." Mum says, reading my mind. I shake my head.
"No, Mum, not right now." I take a seat on the window seat and just stare out at the street. Why is life so fucking hard? It's like the minute I feel like everything's settling down, I get slapped and my life gets upturned. Ugh! I want to scream in frustration. Instead, I get off the seat and make my way to the door. Let's face it. I have no other choice. My room is right opposite Mum's, so in less than ten steps, I'm standing in front of my room door. Maybe I should turn back. I almost do, but then I hear Mus' voice drift through the thin walls; she's talking to someone.
"Mamma, you don't need to worry about that. Harry and I are over," Mus says. She's clearly talking to her mum on the phone. I take a step closer to the door, and place my hands on the cold wood. "Yeah, I'm sure you're happy....No, I'm going back soon....Yeah, don't worry." Mus sighs and I hear some shuffling. "Okay, fine. Bye." Silence. I think she's ended the call and I can bet my life that Bump is sitting on the bed, or on the sofa, with her head in her hands. Hesitantly, I knock at the door and push it open. Bump looks up and a small smile adorns her face.
"Hi," she says.
"Hey," I whisper, though I don't know why. God, this is awkward. I make my way into the room and take a seat beside her. Instantly, she moves away from me. It takes every ounce of self control that I possess to not reach out, and pull her back toward me. She begins to fiddle with the loose strings of her sweater. "When're you planning on heading back?" Bumper looks up at me, confused. "I'm sorry, I eavesdropped." I grimace, trying my best to show her that I'm not proud of my actions.
"Whenever you want me to leave," Bumper says. I can feel a fist clench my heart and squeeze it like a sponge. I would never - ever - want her to leave my company. "Mamma seems to have regained control of her temper and she's ready to...forgive me, with the condition that I would break up with you. But I told her that that's already done." Bump sighs and gets up. I grab hold of her hand, and she turns around, eyebrow raised.
"Our breakup isn't permanent, Bump. I hope you know that," I say. She just stares at me for a few seconds, before sliding her hand out of mine and exiting the room. That was clearly not the answer I was looking for. I get up and follow Bump. She's standing in front of Mum's door, contemplating whether or not to enter. Finally, after a minute or so, Bumper decides to go in.
"What's wrong, love?" Mum's voice drifts out of her room. I hear a muffled sob and then Gemma comes to the door. She's shutting it, but before she does, her eyes meet mine. There's a look of...disappointment in her eyes that puzzles me. If I wasn't focusing on Gemma's face, I wouldn't have noticed, but she gives the slightest shake of her head.

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