A Ball-Like Party

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Anne and I have just been lying like this: my head in her lap, her hand stroking my hair, and she's also been humming a soothing tune to me for the past half an hour. I don't even know why I came to her room. It was to take comfort, my heart keeps telling me. And it's right because I did come in her room to take comfort, but now I realize just why I'm here; because she's like a mother to me. I've known her for a few days, yet she has unconsciously replaced my own mom. I don't remember the last time mamma allowed me rest in her lap like this. Anne and I don't need words to fill the silence because being in each other's presence gives us enough comfort. Gemma has been reading a book in the corner of the room. Occasionally, she looks up and smiles at me. Her presence is soothing as well. After talking to mama, the reality of what I lost today actually sunk in; I lost Harry. I'm not blaming Anne for my loss, but I am blaming that bastard who's bent on tearing us apart. I'm blaming the person who has been successful in his schemes. Heck, I don't even blame Harry. Family comes first, and I understand that. A certain part of me feels guilty for coming in here and seeking Anne's love because firstly, she isn't my mom. She should be comforting Harry and not me. Secondly, she's the one who's been through a severe accident and I should be the one comforting her. Either she's too kind to point these things out, or her feelings are mutual.
"Shit!" Gemma hisses, looking at her phone. "Mum, we totally forgot about the party tonight!" She looks up at Anne, her eyes wide with panic. Anne's hand halts on my head, and then she continues her actions in the same soothing rhythm.
"Keisha is going to be pissed if we don't show up," Anne says. Her eyebrows scrunch up in worry, and she sighs. "But I really don't feel like going." Unconsciously, her eyes flit over me and then land back on Gemma.
"Don't miss the party cause of Harry and I." I say, pushing myself up with the help of my elbows.
"Even if I go, my mind will be with the two of you." Anne says, smiling at me. "Plus, after all that's happened, my mind's just not willing."
"Anne, please go. Otherwise, we'll end up feeling bad." I try to make my tone as persuasive as possible. "Don't let Harry and I ruin your fun."
"Mum, Mus is right, you'll have to at least make an appearance. Even if it's for a few minutes," Gemma intervenes. Anne's deep in thought, torn between two emotions.
"I'll go on one condition." Anne says, after a few seconds. "Mus has to come along." Immediately, I shake my head.
"I'm sorry, but parties aren't really my thing." I say, looking at the clock on the wall. It's already six, and I'm dying of hunger. I better grab my purse and go out for dinner. Anne takes hold of my hand and squeezes it.
"Please come, Mus. Let's call it a favor," Anne says. Her tone is so pleading and the look she's giving me is hard to say no to. But I'm really not in the mood to party, or even step out of this house. However, it will be better than being stuck in the same house with Harry - alone.
"Okay," I concede. "But can I leave early?"
"Don't worry, we won't be there long. Mum has to come home and rest after all," Gemma says. She's grinning from ear to ear and I can practically feel the excitement rolling off of her. She really wants to go this party.
"What's this party about, anyway?" I ask, passing a hand through my hair, as I know that it'll be a frizzy bomb right now.
"Mum's friend - Margo - throws an annual masked party. She likes to call it a ball, but..." Gemma rolls her eyes. "Anyways, her daughter, Keisha, is my really good friend and every year she makes sure that both, Mum and I, attend. Otherwise, our ears are eaten off with her complains and nagging." I nod my head in understanding. Kate's like that, too. "Let's go, Mus, and find you a dress!" Before I can say anything, I'm being pulled of the bed by Gemma. Suddenly, my phone pings in my hand, announcing that I have a text.
"One sec." I tell Gemma, looking down and opening the text which is from Kate. I type back a reply, telling her that I'll call her later. When I look up Gemma is shaking her head vigorously at Anne, but when she sees that I'm done with the phone, she stops and smiles at me.
"Off to my room!" Gemma announces, dragging me out of Anne's room. Whatever silent conversation Gemma and Anne were having, was definitely about me. I want to ask Gemma what habit of mine do they hate, but I bite my tongue and let her drag me into her room to be dressed up.
After an hour of changing dresses, trying out different shades of eye makeup and lip-gloss, Gemma is finally satisfied with her end product, as she spins me around so that I can see what horrors she's done to my poor face. Surprisingly, I don't look like a disaster. On the contrary, I look different and nice. Gemma blow dryed my hair and then styled it with beach curls. She's dressed me up in a black gown that covers up my feet and the wedges she practically forced my feet into. I'm wearing an elegant, silver bangle that's wound around my wrist. It's complemented by a silver, leaf-shaped ring. Both items of jewelry are simple, but fancy. She's kept my face makeup quite natural, with the exception of black mascara and eyeliner. Gemma has put minimal eye-shadow on my eyes and adorned my lips with lip-gloss that's a moderate shade of pink. My ears hold two teardrop shaped earrings. My neck has been left bare of any jewelry - thank God - as a necklace would ruin the simplicity and elegance of the dress. I stand up, trying to balance myself in the wedges. It's not that hard actually.
"You're going to be in high demand for the first dance," Gemma says.
"First dance?" I raise an eyebrow at her questioningly.
"Oh, yeah, it's like a Cinderella ball. We're going to have dances, where random gentlemen pair up with us, ladies, and dance each dance with grace." Gemma's hands make an arc in the air, like a ballerina would. I roll my eyes, and shake my head.
"Thank you very much, but I'll sit those dances out." After all, my Prince Charming is going to be here, at home.

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