Fifth Time

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Harry's POV
"Damn, that was crazy!" Liam exclaims, as soon as we step into the elevator. I bite my bottom lip and shake my head.
"Okay, who tweeted?!" Rufus asks, stepping into the elevator and shutting the elevator doors behind him. I shrug my shoulders, innocently.
"Not I," Niall calls out.
"Not me," Louis murmurs. Damn, he's always in a bad mood around Mus.
"Definitely not me," Liam answers.
"Nope," Mus pipes in. My arm is still wrapped around her waist protectively. We all look towards Kate, eyebrows raised. She grins at us sheepishly.
"I might've posted on Insta that I was traveling to NYC with my boyfriend and that I was going to have a blast at the Four Seasons Hotel." Kate says, glancing around at the shock filled expressions.
"Aw, man! You've got to be kidding me," Mus says. "What's wrong with you? Everyone knows your boyfriend is Liam bloody Payne!" She throws her hands in the air and they land back down, hitting her thighs with a thud.
"Breathe, Bump, breathe." I say, soothingly stroking her upper arm.
"Guys, I'm sorry!" Kate defends herself. "I wasn't thinking. Please forgive me." She gives Bump her most professional, innocent pout. However, we know our friend here, is far from innocent. I roll my eyes and scoff.
"We almost died," I say.
"Okay, it's not like we all haven't made this sort of a mistake before. Plus, we've experienced much worse crowds." Liam says, immediately coming to Kate's defense. I totally get where he's coming from because if someone was pointing fingers at Mus for such a mistake, I'd totally back her up. Even though, she's in the wrong.
"Okay, okay! It's over with, let's forget about it." Rufus says, always the one to sort out our fights. "Let's just make sure such a mistake doesn't happen again." He gives Kate a pointed look and she nods her head, clearly getting the memo.
"But seriously man, that was crazy." Niall says, glancing at the floor numbers. "I've no idea how we survived without a single tear in our shirts." He glances at all of our shirts and when his gaze lingers a second longer at Mus' chest, I scowl. Niall's a dead man. The truth of the matter is, Mus has a great - and I'm talking, one of the best - chests I've ever seen on a woman. Today she's wearing a super tight shirt and that's accenting her bust even more. Hence, the straying eyes. Even at the airport, I caught quite a few men and even some women, stare a little too long at her bust. Heck, why they would even stare at her bust beats me? Cause if in the future anyone does that, I'll beat the shit out of them.
"Yeah, there were a lot of them out there today. Word travels fast," Rufus murmurs. I nod in agreement. We were all practically shoved into the car at the airport and we all risked our lives by stepping out of the car outside the hotel. Honestly, man! Sometimes people don't understand that this shoving and screaming really gets to us. I hate it when girls scream. However, it's not like we can say anything. I mean, I absolutely understand their enthusiasm. But there's a limit for everything and I hate the way they squash each other and are ready to cause a stampede just to get a closer look at us.
"This is your floor, boys." Rufus says, as the doors open at the twelfth floor. "We're one floor up, okay? Need anything, just call." We nod our heads and call out our thanks to Rufus, as we step out of the elevator and towards our suite. Mus and my hands are interlocked and my other hand is still wrapped around her waist. She might think this is still for protection, but I'm just using this opportunity to be closer to her and make myself feel as if we're in a relationship of some sort. I know it's wrong, I'm not stupid. However, it's the best that I can get and I will. We stop outside our room door and wait for Liam to open the door. He inserts the key card once, the door beeps and a red light blinks on the lock. We all groan, and Niall shoves him to the side. He yanks the card out and tries again.
"Fuck," Niall hisses. Louis grabs the card and tries.
"What the heck, guys? Can't you even open a bloody door!?" I exclaim, stepping in front of the door and pushing Louis towards the side. I insert the card. Once. Twice. The door just doesn't want to fucking open. We've had a long flight and here we are, trying to get the bloody door to open.
"What the heck, Harry? Can't you even open a bloody door?!" Liam mimic's me. I punch him in the stomach lightly and yank the key card out of the lock.
"Guess it's the wrong card. Who's going to go and get it replaced?" I ask, holding up the card. Mus takes it from my hand, and turns on her heels.
"I'll go." Mus says, already halfway toward the elevator.
"Me too!" Kate calls out, jogging over to join her. Before going though, she slams her backpack into Liam's chest. I laugh, as Liam groans and slings it over his shoulder.
"The things we do for our babes." Liam says, winking at me.
"Tell me about it," I mutter. All of a sudden, a piercing shriek fills our ears and I cringe. Down the hall are two girls, grinning and fanning themselves with their hands.
"Oh my God!" The blonde one yells. "It's...One Direction!" She rushes toward us, closely followed by the other girl. The blonde one slams into my chest and just wraps her hands around my neck. Without any warning, or signal...just like that. She steps back after a few seconds and lifts up her phone. "Can we have a selfie?"
"I'm sorry, but could we not right now. Super tired," I say. The other one is kissing Liam's cheek and already taking a picture, without even asking. The blonde frowns and looks at me as if I've insulted her.
"Just one picture? It'll take a minute," she states.
"I'm really sorry. Just not up for it," I reply back. Sometimes one just doesn't want to do it. However, our fans many a time forget that we're human, too and don't care about our feelings that much.
"Why're you arguing? We could've taken one pic in all this time." She places her hand on her hip and raises an eyebrow.
"Oh my God," I murmur underneath my breath. "Okay, fine." I concede. She squeals and jumps into position beside me, raising her phone. I give the camera my best fake smile and position my right hand fingers to form a V. The poses are always the same. The girls are always behaving in the same manner. Most of the time, we don't even get a hello, or hi. They just want pics and autographs and sometimes, at times like this, it really gets on my nerves.
"It's really ugly, but whatever." The girl says, stepping away from me and glancing at her phone. The other one comes over to me and jumps on my back. On instinct, I wrap my arms around her lower legs. She raises the camera and snaps a few shots, before getting off.
"Thanks." They both call out, as they saunter down the hallway. I huff and bend over, placing my hands on my knees.
"Never on break," I murmur to myself.
"We're here!" Mus and Kate call out together. The new key card - and hopefully one that'll work - is in Mus' hand.
"Quick, please," I say. She looks at me with concern, but I silently beg her to hasten up, through my eyes and she does. The door beeps open and we all file into the suite. Immediately, I make my way toward the first bedroom.
"This one's mine!" I announce, slamming the door shut. I flop myself, face first, onto the bed. After a few minutes, or seconds, there's a gentle - almost timid - knock at the door. I raise my head.
"Who's there?" I call out.
"Mus," she says. "Can I come in?"
"You don't have to ask!" The door opens and Mus enters, and then shuts it behind her. I pat the space on the bed beside me and she takes a seat.
"Are you okay?" I turn over on my back and shake my head.
"No, and you know it. I mean," I sit up. "Why can't everyone be like you? Why can't they see my pain, discomfort and all the other emotions I go through?" Mus places a cold hand on my forehead, and I cherish the feeling of her skin on mine.
"Because they don't know you like I do." Mus says, smiling. God, her smile makes all the tension seep out of my nerves.
"It's just that...I'm already so jet-lagged and then some people just don't get that. Just adds to the tension, until we reach a breaking point, you know?" I let it all out. Mus looks at me with understanding and care.
"I can't say I empathize with you, because in actuality, I don't. However, I can try to understand your pain and distress. And I can say, that I'd hate it too, if I was forced to do something I didn't want to do. Especially, after traveling and all." Mus passes her hand through my hair. She's the only person who I allow to do that.
"But you can try and ease the pain," I whisper.
"How?" Mus asks, perking up at the thought of helping me in any way. I grab her hand and pull her face towards mine. Our lips gel together, perfectly synced. Mus groans into the kiss, as I turn us over, so that I'm hovering over her body. My hands grip her hips, as she tangles her fingers in my already messy hair. Hesitantly, yet with a certain level of confidence and comfort, I lift Bump's shirt; my hands traveling across her bare skin. I can feel goosebumps surface on her skin underneath my callous fingers.
"Mus, here's your suitcase!" Niall announces, entering our room. "Fuck!" I get off Mus and stand in front of her sprawled out body. From the corner of my eye, I can see her sit up and straighten her shirt. "Sorry, guys. I just came to deliver Mus' suitcase." I turn around, make sure Mus is decent and then sigh.
"That's okay, Niall. You can turn around now," I say. Niall turns around and his eyes go straight to Mus. He gives her a sheepish, apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes again.
"That's okay." Mus says and flicks her wrist to dismiss his apology. "We shouldn't anyway have been doing that." She gets up and strides out of the room.
"What the heck, man?!" I exclaim, passing a hand through my hair. Niall takes a seat on the bed.
"I'm sorry, and I know this isn't my place to ask, or my business to pry in, but since when?" Niall asks, wiggling his eyebrows. "Since when have you been doing the naughty, without anyone finding out?" I sigh and seat myself beside him.
"We kissed for the first time, after our breakup at Mus' engagement - before her engagement to be exact. And this is our fifth time," I tell him. "We did it thrice more in the plane."
"Damn, when?" I groan and chuck a pillow at Niall.
"When you were snoring and drooling all over the seat." I fire back, grinning.
"Well, you guys better be careful." Niall gets up and saunters toward the door. "Before others find out, like me." He winks at me and exits.

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