You Saved Us

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"Is she still alive?" Gregg asks Kate.
"Her breathing's slow, but I think her chest is moving up and down. Want me to check?" Kate says.
"No, definitely not. Mus, just calmed down and I don't want her to start up again." Gregg's tone is alarmed. Do they think I can't hear them? Maybe it's because my eyes are shut. Can't they speak in lower tones? I just want some peace and quiet. That's all I'm asking for. After all that has happened, can't they just give me some alone time? Sniffing, I sit up and push my hair away from my face.
"I'm making myself some tea. Want some?" I say, getting off the bed. The floor's cold and my voice doesn't sound like mine. I guess hours of crying can do that to a person.
"Mus, you don't have to," Kate says. Her gaze is filled with sympathy and sorrow.
"I do." I make my way out of my room and downstairs. My head weighs a thousand pounds and everything is seeming to spin. I clutch the banister tightly, so that I don't tumble down the stairs.
"Mus, do you want some help?" Gregg asks me. I shake my head.
"I'm fine," I croak. "I can handle myself." Gregg sighs from behind me, as I step off the last step. It's so funny how a person can simply leave this world in the blink of an eye. In a matter of seconds. And the ones he leaves behind can do nothing. Nothing. News has not yet spread about One Direction...being gone. No one knows that all four boys were on the flight that crashed. Sniffing, I switch on the kettle. Dragging my feet across the floor, I head over to the fridge. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, making me jump. "I'll get it," I murmur. Sluggishly, I make my way toward the front door. The doorbell rings again, making me stomp my foot in frustration.
"Have patience! I'm coming," I yell. Nowadays, people have lost all sense of waiting patiently. I unlock the door and yank it open. Standing outside is...Louis. "God, now I'm hallucinating," I groan. I push the door to shut it, but before I can shut it fully, the man - or a figment of my imagination - places his foot in the middle of the door and the door frame. "No strength left in me," I murmur.
"Yeah, she watched the news." The man - Louis - says to someone behind him. I look over his shoulder to find a van parked outside my house. Liam - another figment of my imagination - is walking up the driveway with suitcases in each hand. What the heck is wrong with me? I'm sure I didn't bump my head somewhere. Louis waves a hand in front of my face. He waves his hands, a gesture for me to move backwards.
"Move back, Liam has to place those suitcases down, before his arms break." Louis says, physically moving me by my shoulders.
"Louis! Liam!" Kate yells. I look back to find her bounding down the stairs. She runs past me, and slams into Louis.
"You can see them too. Kate, we're both high," I say. Rolling my eyes, I turn around and head back toward the kitchen.
"Bump!" That voice. A voice that I will never hear again. Inhaling a deep breath, and pushing my tears back into my eyes, I strode into the kitchen and grab the kettle. "Bumper!" Warm, long arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a hard chest. I'm swiveled around and my lips are under attack.
"Harry," I murmur against his lips.
"Bump, why're you ignoring my calls?" Harry asks me, as I take a step back, letting my eyes and hands wander his body. I run my hands over Harry's hard, solid chest and his back. Harry's hands, on the other hand, are cupping my cheeks.
"You're here. You're actually here." I say, happy tears streaming down my face.
"Yeah." Harry says, smiling. "I'm here and thank God for you. You saved my life, Bump."
"How so?" I ask Harry, puzzled.
"Well, I left my phone in the bookstore at the airport. As we were about to board the plane, I patted my pockets, searching for my phone because I knew that you would've called. I thought that I probably missed your call due to the loud noise at the airport, but my phone wasn't there. I just had to find it, Bump. Because I knew that you'd call and call until I answered and I don't remember your number, as bad as that is. So I couldn't possibly have called you using one of the boys' phone. Well, I searched and searched for it, and by doing so, we missed our flight. Finally I found it lying on a shelf in the bookstore, but by then the flight had taken over. So you see Bumper, you saved four lives."
"I'm so happy." I pull Harry's face to mine, and mash our lips together. "I thought I'd lost you, Harry."
"Well, you haven't and let's hope that you never will." Harry says, his hands grasping my hips firmly. "Mus, the boys and I have nowhere to stay. While we were on our way, we checked and the hotel's fully booked. Can we please-"
"Of course you can. You will crash in my bedroom, of course. But the boys will have to share. One bedroom for two," I say. My hand in Harry's, as he leads me outside where the boys, Kate and Gregg are chatting up a storm.
"Yeah, that's fine. Louis and Liam can crash together and Niall can crash alone." I nod my head, my eyes glued to Harry's face. God, that face...I've taken it for granted, but I won't anymore. Everyone's seated in the lounge, the television on, but this time it's on Star World and not on a news channel.
"Louis, Liam, you're crashing together. Niall, you're sleeping alone," Harry says. He takes a seat on the beige couch and pulls me onto his lap. Harry leaves a trail of butterfly kisses along my neck, and collarbone. " smell better everyday."
"Harry, stop that," I murmur.
"I'll stop when you stop being so seductive and smelling so fragrant, without even trying."
"That's hard, sorry." I laugh at my own stupid joke and Harry chuckles.
"Yes, it is. You're born perfect." I cup Harry's face with my hands and mold our lips together. Harry's tongue asks for entrance, but I deny it. "Oh, come on, Bump."
"I'm going to torture you for as many hours as you tortured me." I murmur, pulling back. "You really killed me today."
"I'm sorry, Bump."
"Yuck, people get a room!" Louis yells, chucking a pillow at us. Harry holds up his hand, the pillow hits it and falls to the ground.

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