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"You were totally flirting with that girl!" I exclaim, slamming the glass, filled with blueberry smoothie, on the table beside me. Some of it spills onto the table, but I don't care. All I can see is that girl's face and Harry grinning at her sweetly, as if she is a caramel apple.
"I was not!" Harry defends himself, taking a seat on the beach chair that's beside mine. "She is a fan and I talked to her because she was friendly. That's all, Bump. Don't read into the situation." Harry picks up his drink and takes a long sip, looking at me over the brim of the glass. I narrow my eyes at him.
"Don't lie, Harry. I'm not blind." I flip the page of the magazine that's lying on my lap roughly, tearing the top off the page. "Ass," I murmur. Harry chuckles and I divert my gaze back toward him, glaring.
"Sorry," Harry bites his lip. "You're such a cute jealous lady. It's honestly amusing."
"You're finding my jealousy amusing, Mr. Styles?" I roll up my magazine and smack Harry's bare arm with it. He pouts, rubbing his tattoo-covered arm. "I can deliver good smacks, so don't mess with me."
"I'd love to explore your smacking abilities, Bump." Harry's eyes dance with amusement and mischief, a small smile playing across his lips.
"Haha, Harry, very funny. Don't change the topic because I'm still mad at you." Scowling, I re-open my magazine and read nothing, as I flip through page after page.
"Oh, come on, Bump! Don't be mad." Harry nudges me with his elbow. "She's just a fan, another girl. You're the one who stood out to me. You're the one who I sleep with each night. Do I say I love you to anyone else?"
"Yes, your mom-"
"You know what I mean. Not that I love you, the love one." I roll my eyes, even though I can feel my insides melting at his words. "The one that makes my insides fill with love and warmth. You're the one who I want to see when I wake up and go to sleep. Who makes me beg for even a little taste of that deliciousness inside her." My breath hitches.
"Haz, your words have no affect on me." I say, trying to sound resolute. Oh, his words are affecting me till my very core.
"Oh, yeah? Then why is your breathing getting faster? Why're you gripping the corners of the magazine tighter?" Harry questions, taking another sip of his drink.
"Nothing of the sort," I whisper.
"I want to touch you, Bump. Caress you with no boundaries," Harry's voice drops. "No clothes, no-"
"It's really you!" A girl squeals, snapping me out of Harry's spell. Both of our heads jerk toward the direction of the sound. Another fan, thank God for this one. I inhale a deep breath, and watch as Harry gets up and embraces the girl who's crying hysterically. He turns his head and winks at me, smirking. Well, if he's good at playing games, then so am I. I get up and place the magazine on the table beside me. My eyes scan the people littering the beach. I get up and pass my hands through my hair, styling it. This hair isn't tamable, but I really don't care. There's nothing much that I can do. I make my way toward the water, my eyes constantly roaming the beach.
"Hi!" I raise my head, and place my hand above my eyes to shield them from the sun. A shirtless tan-skinned lifeguard is seated on a high chair. He's wearing a pair of dark shades.
"Hey," I say. I adorn my face with my best smile. He continues to smile, as he takes off his shades.
"I like your suit," Hottie compliments me. I look down at my plain, navy blue, one-piece swimsuit.
"Thanks, it's nothing special, really." I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly.
"I'm Matt." The lifeguard introduces himself. "I would get off and shake your hand, but I'm on duty for another five minutes."
"Not really doing your job, eh?" I say, looking out toward the ocean. I turn back to find him grinning, his eyes roaming across the ocean as well.
"I think we're good for right now. People don't usually come here on weekdays. Unless they're tourists, and they rather use their hotel beaches." Matt picks up a blue cap from beside him, and puts it on. "So, what're you? A tourist or a local?"
"Tourist, actually. Maybe I'm one of the few who doesn't have a beach with their hotel."
"That's sweet because, you know, we got to meet." I nod my head. "Well, you want to grab lunch today? I can get ready by two-thirty."
"That'd be nice, and you could show me around." Matt's grin increases in size.
"Of course! I mean, y-yeah." Matt stutters, making me bite my lip to suppress a grin. An arm snakes around my waist. Immediately, I know who it is. My eyes travel down to my waist, where Harry's ring covered hand comes into view, proving me right.
"Sorry it took so long, babe." Harry says, burying his head into my neck. Matt's brows furrow and he pouts. I take a step away from Harry and jerk my chin toward Matt.
"Harry this is Matt. Matt, this is Harry." I introduce the two. Harry looks up at Matt, as if he's just noticed him for the first time. To another, it would look like that, but I know Harry and I know he saw us chatting and that neck kissing was all for Matt - a show.
"Hi," Matt says, giving Harry a small wave. "You're Harry Styles, right?" Harry nods his head, lips pursed.
"I'm here!" A guy announces, stopping in front of us. Matt nods at the man, and begins to climb down his post.
"I'll be ready in ten," Matt says to me.
"What?" Harry asks, his eyes traveling from Matt to me and then landing back on Matt.
"We're going to have lunch together and then Matt's going to show me around." I explain, smiling. "Since you have a recording, I thought that I'd rather head off with someone local, than go alone. Plus, Matt seems to be great company." Harry frowns, taking my hand in his.
"Bumper, can I have a word with you?" Harry asks, already pulling me behind him.
"What?" I ask, allowing myself the pleasure to smile, while Harry's back is facing me. Abruptly, he stops and turns around.
"You can't go with that guy!" Harry hisses. "He's clearly wanting to get into your pants." I roll my eyes.
"Harry, for the love of God, I'm allowed to have male friends, other than you and the boys."
"I'm not your friend, I'm your boyfriend. A very protective, loving one, who only wishes what's best for his girlfriend." Harry takes both of my hands in his and pulls me closer to him. "You just met the guy, how do you know he isn't a serial killer?"
"Lifeguards save lives, not take them. Plus, it's not like he's taking me to his house. We're going to go somewhere nice and public and then tour the city." Harry pouts, pulling me even closer, so that there's no space for even air to pass between us.
"Bumper, I can't stop you from going, but can you please keep me updated? Message me, answer my calls and texts?"
"Of course, Harry. I'm touring the city, not going off the grid. Plus, you should be focusing on recording good One Direction worthy songs, not messaging your crazy girlfriend."
"I'll never stop worrying about my crazy, yet amazingly beautiful and kind-hearted girlfriend." Harry tilts his head and engulfs me in a toe-curling kiss. I pull back eventually, immediately regretting my decision.
"I'm going to go now, okay? Matt's waiting," I say. Harry nods, not releasing my hands. I turn around and he pulls me back, my back hitting his hard chest.
"Don't go," Harry whines.
"I have to. I want to," I whisper. Harry releases my hands and I make my way toward Matt. I turn around once more, and give Harry a flying kiss. "I can smell the smoke all the way from here." Harry pouts and chuckles, sending me a flying kiss as well.
"I'm sure you can." Harry says, nodding.

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