This Is Your Life From Now On

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Harry's POV
The tension in the car is palpable. Louis keeps casting his gaze from Bumper to me, probably wondering what the hell's going on. I would too, had I not known. We're heading toward the T-Mobile Arena in a limo. Bumper is sitting on the seat in front of me, alongside Niall. Louis, Liam and I are sitting beside each other. Bump and I haven't said a word to each other since the...proposal. That word sends a chill through my spine. A proposal is supposed to be a happy event in a couple's life. However, in ours, it's a disaster.
"Have you guys had a fight?" Louis whispers in my ear.
"No," I say. "Why would you say that?" Louis looks at me with an are-you-serious face.
"Because I'm not blind, or stupid." He says, matter-of-factly. "You guys are always all over each other, but today, you're sitting far apart. Isn't that hard to figure out."
"We haven't had a fight, I just messed up. As always," I sigh. "Louis, I know I'm an idiot for doing so and you'll put me through hell, but I proposed." Louis' eyes widen, and before he can say anything I motion with my eyes toward Bumper, signaling for him to not say anything regarding this topic too loudly. "Things didn't go as planned," I murmur.
"Of course they didn't," Louis hisses. "You've known her for a month."
"I know, I know. Why does everybody keep saying that?" Niall said it, Liam said it and now Louis, too. I get it! I do.
"Because no one proposes after a month of knowing someone. If they do, they're known as stupid."
"Love isn't stupid, okay?" Now I'm annoyed. "Love is a magical feeling and I want to embrace it, not push it away. Wise men say only fools rush in." I sing, loud enough for Bump to hear. She looks up from her entwined hands, and gives me a smile. Thank the heavens, Bumper smiled! I want to throw my hands up in the air and yell out of happiness. However, I keep myself composed and give her a huge grin in return.
"How much longer?" Bumper asks. She's speaking to me. Hallelujah! I motion with my hand for Niall to get up. He obliges and we both switch seats.
"Five more minutes," I answer. Bumper shifts toward her door when I sit down beside her. Oh, no. Now that I'm here, I shall make this right. Hastily, I take Bumper's hand in mine and squeeze it comfortingly. She turns her head to look me in the eye and gives me a lopsided smile. I love this smile. It makes my heart feel warm. Bumper always looks so carefree and young, like a girl, when she smiles in this manner.
"I'm sorry," she whispers. My heart turns to putty and I embrace Bump. It's a side-hug, and feels slightly uncomfortable, but we need this. I need this.
"You don't have to apologize, or feel bad about anything. Bumper, I am pushing this relationship. I am pushing your limits and I'm so sorry about that. You rejecting my proposal changes nothing, I promise." I say, and then kiss her forehead.
"We're here!" Niall announces, interrupting our moment. Bump pulls away and I want to slap Niall. Sighing, I count till five. Bumper squeezes my hand. I turn to look at her.
"We're good, Harry. We're fine," she says. I nod, feeling relief flood through my body.
"Yeah, we're fine and always will be." I agree. Bump laughs and cups my face. She brings my face toward her and kisses me with affection, and passion. Whenever Bumper kisses me, she consumes my brain, my heart and my body. I can't think or do anything else and I forget all about my surroundings. All I can focus on is her, and her soft lips. They're thin, yet they can work wonders. Someone clears their throat, but I don't care. Let people see. Let them think we're a hormonal and shameless couple because I don't care.
"Harry, we're going to puke." Louis says in a monotone. Bump moves back first, making me yearn for more. Making me want to attack her lips again. But I don't. Instead, I take her hand and motion for her to exit the car. Bump obliges, and I follow her. Immediately, security lines us on either side.
"Bump, you don't need to worry, okay? Everything will be fine, as long as you stay beside me and hold my hand at all times and let me kiss you. A lot," I say. She turns to face me, her eyes narrowed.
"The kissing part isn't compulsory. Nor will it keep me safe, will it?" Bumper says, making me chuckle. I shake my head.
"No, it won't, but it'll certainly give me immense pleasure." I smirk at her, as Liam leads the way toward the red carpet.
"Me too." She says it so softly that I barely hear her. Every time I look at her I know she's the one. Bumper's the one who I want to take on vacations, on tours, and spend the rest of my life with. I want to see her lopsided smile everyday. The day I realized that I was in love with Bumper, I promised myself that I'd always cherish her and never let her down. And I realized that I was in love with her when she broke up with me, without telling me. When I was standing on stage, and not enjoying myself, I realized that Bump's not only an infatuation. I'm in love with this amazing girl.
"Harry, we need to make three stops, okay? Only three," Liam says. I nod my head. I'm the one who tends to stop at every other reporters station and take an interview. Liam, on the other hand, likes to just quicken the process and settle down in our seats.
"Three stops? For what?" Bump asks.
"For the interviews," I explain. "I'm the one who stops everywhere to take interviews. Liam doesn't like that, so he's warning me from before." Realization dawns on Bumper's face, and she nods her head.
"Got it." Bumper's eyes take in her surroundings. They sweep from the crowds standing on the sides till the end of the red carpet, where all of the reporters are standing. "This is a huge affair." "Yeah, it is. Most of the award functions are." I shrug my shoulders, nonchalantly. This is a daily routine for me. I come to such shows at least twice in a month. Some are small, but some are huge. This show, for example, is a big deal. After all, it is the Billboard Music Awards.
"There are so many people," Bump whispers in awe. I nod my head, grinning at her awestruck expression. "This must cost a fortune."
"It does, I'm sure." I agree, nodding.
"Ellen," Niall whispers in my ear. I nod my head. This is Ellen's station and there's someone new standing with a blue mic, with a cut-out of Ellen standing behind him.
"Hey, One Direction!" The man announces into the mic, enthusiastically.
"Hey," Liam greets him. "How're you doing?"
"Good, good. I'm Barry," the man stretches his hand out for Liam to shake. He shakes all of our hands, and stops in front of Bump. "Who's this pretty lady in white?" I wrap my arm around Bumper's waist, and pull her closer to my body, into my side.
"This is Mus, my girlfriend." I say, smiling at Mus with affection and love. I was ready to call her my fiancee today. However, I know that's not happening anytime soon.
"Ah, the mystery girl!" Barry exclaims. "How're you doing today?" He shakes Bump's hand, but leaves his hand in hers for a little too long. I scowl, glaring at Barry. Niall nudges me in the side, and when I look at him, he raises his eyebrows questioningly. I raise mine in return.
"You're scowling, quit it." Niall whispers in my ear. I wipe whatever expression - or scowl - that I have on my face.
"So, Harry, how're things going? Is this just another one of your flings?" Barry asks, grabbing my attention. How rude is this man? How can he ask such a question in front of Bumper? I tighten my hold on Bumper's waist, if that's even possible.
"We're quite serious." I say, my tone full of conviction. "She's it for me." Barry whistles.
"Whoa, are you serious?" No, shit! I nod my head, grinning. This will make for some juicy gossip in the magazines tomorrow, and probably headlines in the entertainment newspapers. But I don't care. Let the whole world know just how serious I am about Bumper. Maybe if I assure her that I really am serious about her and I want to build a future with her, she'll say yes. That'd be the day. I would celebrate like there's no tomorrow the day she says yes.
"This is great news, guys!" Barry grabs my shoulders and hugs me, as if he's known me his entire life. "Congrats!"
"We have to move," Liam whispers in my ear. I nod my head and pass my hand through my hair. This man has some loose screws in his brain.
"Well, it was nice talking to you. Hope to see you again on some other red carpet." Niall says, shaking Barry's hand. Everyone says goodbye and we move onto the next station. We follow the same procedure at each reporters station, and each reporter calls Bump, 'The Mystery Girl.' I know she's secretly enjoying this. Bumper, I've realized, likes attention. She doesn't like it all the time, or in huge amounts. However, to a certain amount and sometimes, she likes to be the center of attention. I understand her completely because I, too, am the same. But I like to be the center of attention all the time.
"Right this way." A man in black says, motioning for us to enter the arena. I don't miss the wink that he gives Bump.
"Don't you dare smile at him or even look at him with those beautiful, coffee brown eyes." I whisper in Bump's ear. She wipes the smile off her face, and grimaces.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Bumper hisses. Her anger makes me smile.
"Bumper, I need to protect you. Everyone is clearly flirting with you, or they're interested and thinking of ways to grab your attention. I cannot let that happen, since you know, you're mine." I shrug my shoulders, as we head past the first row of seats. "And I'd like to keep it that way till the end." I drop my voice, and kiss Bump on the side of her head. I can hear her take a sharp breath.
"Not here, Harry." Bumper says through gritted teeth. Oh, I love the affect that I have on her.
"This is us." Liam says, motioning to a row of seats with our names glued to them and on Bumper's chair 'Guest' is written. I outstretch my hand toward her seat, motioning for her to sit. She obliges and I take a seat beside her, even though Niall's name is written on it. He doesn't care, either. Niall simply takes the seat beside me.
"Enjoying yourself so far, Mus?" Liam asks from beside Louis, who is seated beside Niall.
"Of course! This is amazing," Bump says. "You're so lucky you get to do this on a daily basis."
"Well, now you're a part of it, too." Liam winks and grins.
"I don't know," Bump whispers.
"Yes, you do." I say, and give her hand a tight, comforting squeeze. "This is your life from now on as well. After all, I need a date to such functions." Bump laughs, making me smile.
"Yeah, Mr. Styles cannot be seen alone in public. What a rep spoiler?" I chuckle, nodding my head.
"It is. It is," I murmur.

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