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I take another nervous breath, as the plan begins its ascent into the sky.
"Always this scared in planes?" Niall asks, sitting down on the seat that is facing me. I shake my head, leaning my head against the headrest of this leather seat - no, it's a couch.
"Nerves," I mumble.
"For what?" Ah, he's heard me!
"For meeting Harry's family." Niall smiles, and nods his head in understanding.
"Of course, meeting the in-laws." That word doesn't help my state, and I frown. See, this is exactly what I was thinking. Just because I'm readily meeting Harry's parents, everyone thinks we're getting married, or that things are dead serious between us. Sure, we're serious about each other. But marriage...it's something that I haven't planned in any stage of my life.
"Bump, once we're at the right altitude, I'll take you into the bedroom." Harry says, emerging from the hallway that leads toward the pilot's cabin. I nod my head, and give him a tight smile. I know Harry knows that something's wrong. However, I'm not going to tell him what because he'll get upset, and worked up for no reason. Heck, he might even think I'm being petty. Most of the people might think I'm being petty, if I told them. But this is no small matter for me. All my life I've run away from the thought of marriage, and settling down. I feel as if it's all coming to hit me in the face right now.
"You alright?" Harry asks, leaning against the armrest of my seat. I nod my head, eyes closed. There's a constant throb in my head, but the doctors say that it's normal for my head to throb, as it was hit pretty hard. They're amazed that I didn't go into a coma, or die on the spot. Their words just reinforced the fact that my attacker is cold-hearted and he's not afraid to kill me, if need be. I've been taking different medicines throughout the day. Poor Harry wakes me up in the middle of the night to feed me two medicines and then he has to wake up at six to feed me some more, as those are the allotted times for those particular pills. Plus, he's not telling me which I need to take and when because he thinks I'll screw them up. Suddenly, I'm lifted off the seat and placed against a warm body. I open my eyes to find myself in Harry's arms, bridal style. I lean my head against his chest, and hum to myself with pleasure.
"Bump, there's something wrong; a storm is definitely brewing inside your head and I want you tell me all about it in the room." Harry whispers, so that only I can hear him. I purse my lips. We push through beige curtains and make our way toward a wooden door, located at the back of the plane. Harry presses the handle down with his right elbow, and pushes the door open with his shoulder. The room is bigger than I expected. A king sized bed lies in the center, with two bedside tables beside it. The theme of the room is beige colored with wooden furniture. The bed has beige colored, see through drapes surrounding it. It gives the whole room a romantic touch. Harry gently places me on the right side of the bed. He moves back, and unties the drapes, letting them create a barrier between him and me. I smile at him through the barrier, and he smiles back affectionately. Harry moves toward the foot of the bed. He takes off his shirt, and chucks it carelessly on the floor. My heartbeat quickens. Harry then moves toward the left side of the bed and sits on the bed with his right leg first. Everything about him seems more appealing than ever before, as he takes off his boots. Harry turns around and I catch his sly smile, before he wipes it off his face. This man knows exactly what he's doing.
"A penny for your thoughts?" Harry says, leaning against the headboard of the bed.
"Nothing. I'm just thinking how hot Dave Franco is," I tease. Harry chuckles.
"Bump, no one can beat me in the looks department."
"Someone's sure of himself." I raise an eyebrow, raking my eyes across Harry's body. He stifles a smile and turns his body to face me.
"Bumper, I know what you're doing and it's not going to work. Tell me what your're thinking. Since morning you look disturbed and I don't like it one bit." Oh okay, so we've gone from playful to concerned in a moment.
"Honestly, Harry, there's nothing disturbing me." I try to make my voice as earnest as possible and I could fool anyone at this moment, with my white lie, except Haz. He's too good in reading me.
"Fine, then." Harry turns on his stomach and turns his head, so that I'm met with his silky hair that's filled with curls.
"Are you upset?" I question. Of course I know the answer. No reply. "Why do I have a feeling that you're pouting?" No answer. I smile to myself, as a light bulb goes off in my head. "Well, you can lay here - upset and pouting - while I go out and grab a scoop of ice-cream."
"No!" Harry yells, turning around, eyes wide. "The doctors said no cold stuff for two days."
"He speaks!" I exclaim, grinning. Harry pouts and glares at me.
"I don't like you," he mumbles.
"No, you love me." I touch Harry's nose with my index finger. He moves his head away from my touch. "There's nothing wrong, Haz! The sooner you accept that the better."
"I would, if it were the truth. But it's not." Harry says indignantly. "Look, if you don't tell me, I'll be up all night worrying. Is it about meeting my family?" A minute of silence passes between us and realization dawns on Harry's face. "It is, isn't it?"
"No," I murmur. God, I hate lying to Harry, but...this is all so frustrating!
"Is it because you think they won't like you? Do you think you won't like them? What's the matter, Bump?" Harry questions, taking my hand in his.
"It's just that...see, I know this might sound childish, but I'm putting myself out there, so please don't laugh." Harry nods. "When a girlfriend or boyfriend meet the other one's parents, expectations start to rise. People begin thinking that they're going to get married soon, then have four kids, and live happily ever after. The problem is that none of those things are on my list for the future. No kids, no marriage. All I want is a healthy relationship with you, but nothing more than that."
"That's fine. I know that and understand your reasons behind thinking so. All I want with you is a happy and healthy relationship and I don't care what form that comes in. We don't need to get married," Harry says. "Don't worry."
"Yeah, but...other people don't understand this."
"Who gives a fuck about the others; we're the ones that matter." Harry's words lighten the heaviness in my heart and I nod. Fuck the others, right?

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