Harry's Going Down

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"So your father wants to get you married? At eighteen?" Niall asks me, incredulity evident in his tone.
"Well, not married technically. He wants me to head over to India and just get engaged to his friend's son." I say, taking a sip of the drink that's been lying untouched in front of me, for the past fifteen minutes. "Then, I can return to America and marry the guy four or five years later."
"That's bullshit!" Louis says dryly. He always has an opinion regarding what I say. However, he never has any emotion in his tone.
"Tell me about it." Kate says, rolling her eyes.
"But you won't go, right?" Liam says, popping a prawn cracker into his mouth.
"Of course she won't!" Harry exclaims, slapping the table with the hand that isn't wrapped around mine. "Bump will stay here and..."
"And?" Niall says, raising his eyebrows.
"And be happy, because that's what she deserves." Harry looks into my eyes with admiration, and love. I don't think he's in love with me. However, he surely cares about me and he cares enough to love me and to protect me from harm's way.
"Hell, yeah!" Liam says, pumping his fist into the air. I laugh at these boys who have somehow, during this short period of time, become my good friends. They all care about me, even Louis because I can see the fury in his eyes at the thought of my father forcing me to marry an unknown man, who for all I know, could be a killer. But I won't go back, no matter what dad says. I'm an adult and my dad's never cared about me, then why now? Oh right, because my marriage to his friend's son will work in my dad's benefit. I bet my dad's so called 'friend,' is a colleague, or someone who will definitely benefit my father in the business world.
"Should we order the Vietnamese pork salad?" Niall asks us, glancing up from the menu.
"I don't eat pork," I say. "So can I order the Thai salad?" I look around the table to find everyone's face, except for Kate, turned toward me.
"You remind me of Zayn, in many ways." Harry says, staring at me with his observant eyes. "He doesn't drink wine, or has pork."
"I-I just-"
"Okay, then. We'll order the Vietnamese pork salad and a Thai salad for Mus, okay?" Niall says, his eyes glued back to the menu.
"Done," everyone says in unison, except Harry. He's still staring at me with those curious, observant eyes of his. Harry leans toward me.
"Are you hiding something from me, Bumper?" Harry whispers in my ear, his hot breath fanning my cheek and ear.
"N-No," I stutter. God, the effect that Harry has on me. I hate it, yet I love it. Harry pulls back and looks at me again, before smiling and nodding his head.
"You know guys, Mus can box." Harry says, placing the attention of everyone back on me. Thanks a bunch, Hazza. "In fact, she's challenged me to a match. I say we box each other tomorrow."
"Sure, as long it's after school." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"Will everybody who's seated at this table right now, be free tomorrow evening?" Harry asks and everyone nods their head. "Great, then it's decided." Chuckling, Harry leans into me and kisses me. "Don't worry Bump, I won't hurt you." Harry promises. Laughing mentally, I sigh. I will not make that promise.
"In the right corner of the room, ready for a fight is Bumper!" Niall announces, his hand cupped in front of his mouth, as if he's holding a mic. "In the left corner is, Mr. Styles!" I roll my eyes at the over-drama that I'm witnessing right now. Harry's wearing his usual ripped jeans, but today he's wearing socks, instead of boots and no shirt. The distractions have already begun, and by the smug look on Harry's face, I know he knows this as well. I, however, have not been left behind. I ordered Kate to bring the shortest pair of shorts that she owns, preferably with some lace. Kate, surprisingly, bought me a pair of shorts that are very short, and that have lace. Weird. I didn't know what to wear for a shirt, so Kate bought me a crop top. I'm not too comfortable with showing off my stomach, but I have been forced to wear this crop top that barely covers my boobs.
"Go, Mus!" Liam and Niall chant, as Niall gets out of the makeshift ring and stands beside Liam.
"Thanks, guys!" I say, pumping my fist upwards, like I've seen professional wrestlers do. However, I must look like an idiot.
"I'm your friend, remember?!" Harry yells from the corner of the room. Laughing, I blow him a flying kiss and bend downwards a little. I can see Harry suck in a deep breath, and his eyes turn a little hazy, as if they're out of focus. Louis, who is standing beside him, whispers something into Harry's ear and he shakes his head. I stand up straight and head into the ring, ready for the fight that's about to take place. Harry makes his way into the ring, as well.
"Ready, Bump? I won't go too hard on you," Harry says.
"You'll be lucky if you can even show your face to the boys and Kate after this match." I say, and then scoff.
"Whatever you say, Bumper." Liam and Niall begin to clink the silver spoons that they're holding against the glasses in their hands. This signs that after right now, Harry and I can beat each other to pulp and none of them can go to the police and complain. Harry takes a step forward and I take one back. First, I want to assess him and see how he plays the game in the ring. Harry's right hand moves once before he punches it toward my face. I duck four of his punches, noticing that this is his habit. Another thing that I realize as we're circling the ring, is that Harry moves too much and will burn out his energy soon. I smile to myself and get ready to use my strategy of offense. Harry's going down.

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