Sending Out Couple Vibes

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I enter the stadium with Gideon trailing close behind my heels. Harry feels the need to have someone protect me while I'm in the stadium. The reason behind that, I honestly don't know. As I'm about to enter the dressing rooms, someone places a hand on my arm, making me turn around.
"Travis." I say, my eyes falling on the familiar face that entertained me and lead to the start of Harry and my relationship.
"Mus, it's great to see you here." Travis says, pulling me in for a hug. He pulls back, his eyes assessing my body. "You look different."
"Thanks for noticing. I have left my hair open today, and I allowed Kate - my best friend - to tamper with it, and straighten it out." I say, passing a hand through my needle-straight hair. "Plus, I'm wearing boots that have wedges. At least, I think that's what they're called." I lift up one leg slightly, and give Travis a full view of the short heel. He laughs and places a hand on my shoulder.
"With or without these modifications, you'll always look beautiful Mus."
"Thank you for that, but I think these modifications make me look better." I give Travis a quick kiss on the cheek, a sign of gratefulness for his kind compliments.
"Bumper, there you are!" Harry says, rounding the corner in front of me. Travis turns around and Harry's face falls. "Travis."
"Hi, Harry." Travis says, and gives Harry a small wave.
"I'm late and you're the reason why, Bump. So let's go!" Harry jogs over to me, and wraps his arms around my waist. He engulfs me in a mind-numbing, paralyzing kiss that leaves me breathless when Harry pulls back. "Let's go." Harry places his hands on my shoulders and turns me around.
"Bye, Mus!" Travis calls out from behind us.
"Wasn't great meeting you!" Harry yells back.
"He's mad, Travis! See you soon." I say, as Harry and I turn a corner and he swivels me around, smashing his lips against mine. Harry's hands grip my waist tightly, and I entangle mine in his hair.
"You drive me insane, Bump." Harry mumbles against my lips. He pushes me against a wall, and we're entangled like a vine. Harry's hands move lower toward the Southern regions, until his hands are resting on the sides of my big, fat ass. An ass that makes me cringe every time I see it in the mirror.
"Harry!" Liam yells, or at least I think it's Liam. I still haven't gotten used to their individual voices. Other than Harry's, of course. "Where is he?!"
"Fuck you, Liam." Harry curses, removing his lips from mine. Shit, my lip gloss is smeared all over Harry's lips. Hastily, I take my thumb to his lips and start rubbing.
"What're you doing?" Harry asks me, chuckling. He leans his forehead against mine, and rubs his nose against the side of my cheek. "God, you smell fucking-tastic!" Harry groans, making me laugh.
"I'm removing my lip gloss from your lips. Harry, you don't need lip gloss, your lips are already so pink and perfect," I say. He takes my thumb in his hand.
"Leave the lip gloss exactly where it is. People - especially like Travis - need to know you're taken and I have a feeling that we're not shooting out the couple vibes." I furrow my brows, and move my head back.
"Couple vibes? How do we shoot those?" Is Harry saying that I'm not acting sexy enough, or clingy enough? Is he signalling to the fact that we haven't slept together yet? Because sleeping together is a far off thought in my mind.
"Well, first of all, Mus please don't be so ashamed of making out with me in public, or even giving me a small kiss on the lips."
"What do I do if I'm embarrassed of doing so? People might judge me for my kissing skills. I don't think I'm the best kisser," I admit.
"Nobody will, Mus." Harry huffs and starts to fiddle with my fingers. "Stop thinking about the world and just breathe, live and do what you want. For once, for me." Harry cups my cheeks and stares at me straight in the eyes. "We'll start small, okay? But please don't cringe when I lean in for a kiss." I nod my head, my teeth working hard on the inside of my cheek.
"I'm sorry for know, doing what you expect me to." I whisper, looking down because I'm too ashamed to look up at Harry. I don't even know why I'm ashamed. I just feel like I'm not meeting his standards of a girlfriend. I'm sure he has very high standards regarding girls, and I'm most probably in the bottom two. Harry rubs his thumb against my cheek and uses his other hand to tip my chin upwards, so that I'm gazing straight into his green eyes.
"You don't have to apologize for anything, Bumper." Harry tilts his head and leans toward me, and places a soft kiss on my lips. "You're doing everything right, Bump. Don't ever be ashamed, and don't say you're not feeling ashamed because I can see right through you." I nod my head, a small smile pulling my lips upward.
"Harry!" Louis yells this time, if I'm not mistaken. Harry sighs and places his hands on either side of my head.
"Bump, we better head upstairs to rehearsal, other wise the boys will release a search party." Harry says, making me laugh, even though I'm sad that we have to leave our little space so soon. I nod my head, and pass a hand through my straightened hair. "By the way, your hair and boots look amazing." I gasp.
"Did you notice them yourselves, or did you overhear Travis and I?" I ask him, narrowing my eyes. Harry chuckles, and shakes his head.
"I didn't hear your conversation, though I'm sure it was boring as hell." I smack Harry's arm, and he rubs it, scrunching up his face as if he's hurt. "I noticed them myself. The minute I laid eyes on you, I knew something is different today. One glance, and I figured it out."
"Observant," I comment. Harry pushes a strand of hair behind my ear, and takes my hand in his.
"Let's face the boys, Bump."
"I'm sure you're going to hear an ear full."
"An ear full? I'll be hearing four ear fulls," Harry chuckles at his own joke.

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