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"Girl, you're famous!" Kate yells, as I hear the front door slam shut. There's some shuffling, Kate curses a few times and then she stumbles into my room. She's walking - more like hopping - and taking off her five inch high stiletto heels. Leave it to Kate to wear such high heels on a Monday afternoon.
"Pieces of shit!" Kate curses, as she throws her heels in one corner of the room. I stare at her, amused at her antics. She moves her hair from her face, and looks up at me. "Well, go on." Kate waves with her hand, signalling for me to speak.
"What do you want me to say?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow.
"Tell me about you and Harry." She sings Harry's name, and takes a seat near my feet, on the edge of the bed. Kate rubs her palms together, her ears yearning for gossip.
"There's nothing to tell," I shrug my shoulders. I'm not even lying. In reality there are no juicy details. Harry and I are friends, that's it.
"You kissed the guy, Mus! Stop lying and spill."
"We didn't kiss," I say for the hundredth time today. Everyone at college - people who I don't even know - came up to me, and asked me to sit with them during lunch. Guys, girls, even teachers. I got the royal treatment today, and everybody made me the center of attention. On other days, I don't mind attention. In fact, I'm an attention seeker. However, I didn't like the selfish attention that I was getting today. People just wanted to be my friend and sit with me during lunch because they wanted to hear all the juicy gossip about me and Harry. I, on the other hand, paid them no heed and followed my usual routine. Every morning, I buy a doughnut from a bakery that's near my house, and take it to college for lunch. Cafeteria food doesn't suit me. The only thing that I do buy from the cafeteria is a juice packet, or a can of soda.
"Oh, come on! Drop the act, I read it all." Kate says, placing her head on her hand for support.
"It was all wrong!" I get up and close the album that I was going through before my best friend - who unfortunately has my house's spare key - came barging in, disturbing the peace and quiet of my house. "There was something in my eye, and Harry leaned down to blow on it. That's it! Honest, Kate. I've never lied to you and I'm not doing it today either." Kate looks at me, scanning my face to catch my lie. However, when she finds nothing but honesty, Kate sighs.
"Okay, I believe you." Kate says, sounding resigned. Suddenly, her face lights up with a sinister and mischievous grin. "But Mus, where did you meet Harry and how did you end up in his room?" She wiggles her eyebrows making me laugh.
"Gregg." Is all I need to say. Realization dawns on Kate's face, and she holds her thumb up.
"Gotcha girl!" In our social circle, everyone knows just how famous Gregg is. They know about his connections and many a time I wonder how many people are Gregg's friend because of his money and name. I know that Kate and I genuinely enjoy his company because (a) we've been friends since high school with Gregg (b) unlike some other people who are part of our tightly knit group of friends, we've never brought up the topic of Gregg's fame because we really don't care about it. He's just another friends of ours.
"Mus, is Harry as nice as we think he is?" Kate asks me, her bottom lip jutting out. I nod my head vigorously, without hesitation.
"Hell, yeah! In fact, he's better than that. He's so kind, caring and..." I sigh, and stare at the stars that cover the album that's in my hands. "I could go on forever describing his good characteristics." I place the album on the study table and turn to face Kate. "He's even more handsome when you see him up close. Whatever One Direction says about not putting makeup is true, Harry doesn't need makeup to glow with that look that we only see in movies on actors or actresses." I throw myself on the bed beside Kate, and turn toward my left to look at her. "The others are just as hot."
"I hate you, you know that Mus? I hate you from the bottom of my heart." Kate says, jabbing a finger at her chest. "You met all those hot guys and didn't even take me along." I laugh and so does Kate.
"I'll make you meet them next time...if there is." I add the last part softly, my voice barely a whisper. Harry left in the afternoon without a word if we're going to meet again, if he'll call, or even text. I guess he was so caught up in getting out without having all his clothes pulled off that he forgot to say a proper goodbye to me, or give me a sliver of hope that we'll meet again. I understand, though. I really do, but I can't help the twinge that I feel in my heart. It's a painful twinge, I decide.
"Do you have Nutella?" Kate asks me, sitting up. I stare at her, raising an eyebrow.
"I wouldn't be the same person who you've bonded with over the years if I didn't have a stack of Nutella lying in the pantry," I say. Kate swats my arm and gets up.
"How silly of me to ask that!" Laughing, she exits my room and I know she's going to get a jar of Nutella and ice cream. Her favorite combination. I get up, making my way to the bathroom. I left the book that I'm currently reading, alongside my phone in there. I'm not the most socially active person in the world. Heck, I'm socially inactive. So I can leave my phone anywhere, without a care in the world as to who's messaging me, or if I'm missing an important event, or chat. However, this time as I'm picking up my phone and book, the phone buzzes in my hand. I furrow my brows, and read the screen.
What're you doing tonight? The message reads and it's from...Harry. Immediately, my breathing speeds up and I want to drop everything, message him back and then stare at the screen as I wait for him to message back. However, I take a deep breath, walk as slowly as I can toward my room, chuck my book onto the bed and then slam my fingers on the phone's screen to type in the password.
Yeah, I guess. Why? I reply back. I don't sound too desperate, I hope. My phone lights up with a message as soon as I've sent this one.
Great! Come over to the arena. At eight, if you want to watch the show. Otherwise you can come around ten.
I don't have tickets. I reply.
God I'm rambling, aren't I? The message comes as I'm about to send mine. Instead of typing anything, I just send him a smiley face.
You don't need tickets, message me when you arrive.
Can I bring a friend?
Sure. Bring two.
Thanks, see you at eight.
Eagerly awaiting your arrival, Bumper. I frown at the nickname, but don't message him anything in return, even though my hands are itching to do so. Phone in hand, I run downstairs, almost slamming into Kate when I reach the last step.
"Whoa, slow down." Kate says, an Oreo biscuit in her mouth.
"Kate, you said that you want to meet One Direction, right?" I say, out of breath. She nods her head, confused. "Well, pick me up at seven-thirty and we will go to meet them, okay?" Kate's eyes become the size of saucers and the Nutella jar falls on the floor.
"What?!" She screeches.
"Yes, Harry has invited you and I to a One Direction concert, and then we'll probably hang out backstage. I don't know, just get ready and bring your car here at seven-thirty." She throws her arms into the air and embraces me tightly.
"God only knows how much I love you right now." Laughing, I pull back and head upstairs to find something to wear. Oh, the perils of choosing the perfect outfit for a One Direction concert.

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