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Hayley POV

"Can I please join?" I whine to Alex who is my older brother.

Right now I wanna see what he has been doing in the basement with Ethan and Grayson. Ethan and Grayson are his close friends. Nate came last week but now I haven't heard from him.

"You can't sorry." He apologizes.

"Why not." I pout. my arms crossed against my chest.

"Your probably gonna tell your fans or something." Ethan said.

"No I won't." I said.

"Ok fine. But you better promise we have been working on this for a long time now. If you ruin it I swear to god your frickin dead." Alex said.

I laughed. "Ok I promise." I said and linked pinkies with him.

We head downstairs and I was in shock. Their was a big sign that said 4ou tour. And a bulletin board that had a map of the world with purple push pins all over it.

They're going on tour?

"Wow." I said shocked.

"Yep. We have been working on this for a long time. We wanted to meet our fans." Grayson said smiling.

"But your leaving me Alex?" I said turning to alex and he looks down.

"I'm sorry." He said.

Me and Alex have a really close relationship. I could honestly tell him anything. He's a protective older brother and I like it. But him leaving me. It just makes me very upset.

"You can't though. Who will be with me? I need something their for me at all times. Who will I talk too." I try my best to convince him.

"We are gonna be back in 6 months." He said trying to light up my mood. it obviously didn't work.

"That's half a year, you can't do this." I said, I bolted up to my room. I locked to door and hid under my sheets. I never been this sad in my life. Seeing him leave me makes me mad.

I hear someone knock on the door.

"Leave Alex." I mumble against the sheets.

"It's me Ethan." Ethan said.

"Oh." was all that came out of my mouth.

"Can I come in." He asks.

ok so i kinda have a tiny crush on Ethan. He's cute and funny but who would date a couch potato like me.

"sure let me open to door." I sigh.

I walk to the door and open it. 

"Aww." He said and gave me a hug.

His hugs were always the same but this one...

This one was different.

A good different. I put my head against his chest with his arms around my waist and my arms around it muscular shoulders. 

"This hug makes me feel better." I said laughing.

"Hey I made you laugh." He squishes my cheeks.

I smiled.

"Listen I'm sorry about what Alex said." Ethan said.

"It's fine honestly. I'll be ok." I said shaking my head.

"No you won't. That's why your coming with us on tour." He said smiling. i gasp.

"Really? Does Alex and Grayson and Nate know?" I said.

"Yep, but Nate's not coming." He said.

"Why not?" I said.

"Drama." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh I never really liked him. His jawline is too sharp. Yours is perfect." I said.

"Why thanks you." He said kissing my cheek. I giggled and we left downstairs.

I couldn't tell anyone about this until April. Right now it's February. L.A is very warm right now.

"Are you excited Hay?" Alex said.

"Yea. Thanks you for taking me with you." I said hugging him.



I saw the twins video and they finally said that their going on tour, but they didn't say that me and Alex are going. So I still have to wait to tell my fans. I really am excited to meet my fans and go around the world and see new things.

i do some videos on youtube, mostly covers. alex and i would always sing when we were little.

We have little meetings in New York about our tour. They were talking about what alex and i are gonna be doing and all that crap. Honestly these meeting give me big headaches.

Ethan and Grayson went back to New Jersey while Me and Alex are here in L.A.

"Hey Alex?" I ask.

"Yea Hayley?" He said facing away from the piano.

"When is our first show?" I said starring at my phone.

"June 5?" He says but it's more of a question. [ idk if that makes sense ok bye ]

"oh and Ethan and Grayson are coming next week so That's when you can tell your fans that we are going on tour with them." He added, i nodded my head and went back on Twitter.

'@HayleyAiono: Exciting news coming soon.'
I tweeted and I went to sleep.

suh dudeee! im so excited to make this fanfic. theirs gonna be a lot of beef happening and some sad parts too. stay tuned for chapter 2

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