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| hayley |

i sigh as i fall back onto my bed. another day has passed by and i had this weird feeling this whole day that something is gonna happen.

good or bad i don't know but something is gonna happen. i look at my ceiling and see a sticky note that i posted before i left.

'welcome back from tour, let me guess. ethan finally asked you out?!'

i laugh at that. i stood up and crumbled it and threw it across the room tearing up. he doesn't want to be nothing but shit with me.

i wipe the tears and walked to my closet and get my swimsuit. i'm going to the beach.

i put it on and left with nothing but my phone and sunglasses. i make my way to the beach by my apartment and see fans running towards me. i look and smile at them.

"hey guys." we all huddle in for a group hug and laugh.

after everyone got a picture with me they left and i was alone on the beach.

i see the sun is about to set.

already? the fuck.

i sit down and admire the sound of the waves crashing and the beautiful sunset.

i feel someone next to me. i look over my right shoulder and see ethan.

i stood up. "ethan?"

"yeah what?" he replied. really?

"what do you mean yeah what? why the hell are you here!" i asked.

he stood up and held my hands. i pulled away. "i can't be without you."

i look him in the eyes. "is that why you kissed lace?"

his face dropped. he nodded his head. "no no. i didn't she kissed me!"

"yeah is that also why you kissed back." i said crossing my arms.

"well when someone kisses you, you just automatically kiss back." he said. i raise my brow.

"you just kissed her back automatically? that doesn't change anything ethan,
you said you liked me—"

"and i was telling the truth. i don't know what got into me. it's just when i saw you with grayson it pissed me off. i want to be the one that holds you, to make sure you're safe, protect you at all costs, to be yours—" he said holding my hands with our foreheads connected.

"but you lied! did you know how much it hurt me when you hung out with lace twenty-four seven! do you know that i cried every night because i thought i lost you! did you know how much it killed me when you kissed her! do you?" i cried out loud. he comforted me. i tried to pull away, but i wanted to be closer to him.

"i'm sorry! i wanted her to feel welcomed! and no i didn't know any of this because you didn't tell me. if you wanted to be together, we have to tell eachother everything and anything!" he said.

"well tell me this, do you have feelings towards lace?" i asked him. he shakes his head.

"no absolutely not! since she has the same personality as you, she reminds me of you. i think about you every night hayley and i do not regret it because you're in my mind every second of the day. i want you to be mine and only mine if that can happen i won't be able to live. please just forgive me. i don't want to lose you." he fell down on his knees crying into my hands. i look at him.

he's crying for me. i kneel down and hold his jaw. i look him in the eye. then at his lips. he stared at me.

i wipe his tears with my thumbs. his hands were wrapped around my waist. it was complete silent. all you could here was the waves crashing and our loud breaths.

he leans in and i stay there thinking if i should kiss him or not. i pull away from  his grasp and walk back to my apartment quickly.

i couldn't. i wanted to but i couldn't. he's causing me pain.

you're causing him pain too why are you acting selfish.

shut up you! i'm 17. i can think whatever i want.

no you can't hoe. the earth doesn't revolve around you.

i sigh and walk back home. out of nowhere, someone grabbed my wrist and kissed me. it took me a few seconds to realize that it was ethan who was kissing me.

i kiss back and my hands make their way to his jaw and his hands on my waist. i pull away because something didn't feel right. when i did, i see not ethan standing there but my ex.

nash. no not nash grier! but nash willow.

he was the ting in highschool. it was grade 10. i barely started social media and only people i knew followed me.

he was of course on the basketball team. breaking angles, dunking hard.

nash was my crush and we started talking a lot and he confessed his feelings towards me, so did i.

but little did i know he was a player and played me good. he wanted to have sex with me and then leave me.

but when i found out he also cheated i broke up with him.

"nash why are you here!" i crossed my arms.

"i missed you baby." he hugged me but i pulled away and pushed him.

"no! you just wanted sex! i actually liked you! leave me alone and never come back. i hate you." i yelled at him.

i run away from him and he follows me. he grabs my wrist and i try to pull away.

"hey! leave my girl alone dickhead." ethan runs up to us and pushes nash to the ground.

oh no...

thank you very much for 800! i just started wattpad a year ago and i'm almost at 1k!

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