thirty six

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hayley's pov

it was our last flight for tour. our last show and honestly i'm emotional. i lay my head on ethan's shoulder and he kisses my head.

we just made it official after the perth show to everyone yesterday and i'm surprised everyone was happy with us being together.

i'm very happy to be with ethan but lately i've been getting these thoughts in my head that i'm not enough.

i know he isn't using me, but like i said before i'm a total downgrade from meredith.

i try my best not to think like that but it just happens. i need to talk to someone about this. for sure not ethan, not alex because he'll give me the same advice all over again, "it's not good to think like that, let your mind be free."

he'll always tell me that, and it does help sometimes but in this situation it doesn't.

maybe grayson. he's like another big brother and a best friend. he's all i got right now.

i'll have to get him alone with me sometime in sydney since we're staying there for a week.

ethan held my hand and squeezed it. i look up at him and he gives me a smile. "you alright? you seemed pretty off lately."

i give him a smile. "everything's fine. yeah just sad that tours pretty much over." i said. half of that is a lie. i am sad that tour is over but everything isn't fine. i need to stop this over thinking and be happy.

i fell asleep the whole ride there.

we finally get off the plane and i feel so good to walk because my legs are feeling horrible after all those flights this year from tour.

ethan and alex went to get a rental car and it was me and grayson.

"i need help and i need talk to you grayson." i said fiddling with my fingers.

"about what." he asked.

"it's about how i shou-" i got interrupted by a honk. me and grayson look outside and see a black jeep.

alex was in the drivers and ethan in the back. me and grayson take our bags.

"come with me to a coffee shop somewhere. we'll go alone." he said and i nodded.

i love how he will do anything to help me. with these three goofy guys i feel safe.

i climb into the back with ethan and grayson sat in the passenger.

"ethan! grayson!! alex!! oh my god hayley." fans begin rushing towards us and bombard the car.

i'm pretty sure if a fan hits a window one more time it'll break. the fans kept hitting the window and alex couldn't do anything since they were all around the car.

i heard crack on ethan's side. "guys we need to g-"

the window by ethan cracked and hit him in the face.

"ethan!" grayson yelled.

i gasp and asked if he was okay.

the fans started to back up and we left. "take him to the hospital. he's loosing a lot of blood." i said panicking.

"hayley, don't worry about me i'm fine." ethan said.

"you're pale ethan." grayson said.

"and cold. alex please drive faster." i said holding ethan's hand tightly.

i bring him closer to me. i don't give a flying fuck that blood is getting all over me. ethan is hurt and i need to help him.

we finally arrived at the hospital and we rush him inside. his arm over his stomach and he's hunching over.

"it's gonna be okay baby." i say. right when i said that he fainted and almost fell over but i got him.

grayson and alex took him away from me.

"excuse me. my brother got glass all over him and he's cold and pale. he also just fainted." grayson said.

"we will take him to a room right now." the nurse said and took ethan away from alex and grayson.

"i hope he's okay." i said trying not to cry.

"we all do." alex said.

we hugged each other like it was our last time seeing each other.

ok ok intense chapter.

hope you enjoyed this chapter !

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