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| hayley |

i sigh and walk to our cab with ethan and lace. grayson and alex took another cab before i could go with them so i'm stuck with these two.

not that it's a bad thing it's just they look like they like each other other and i'm over here like ok wow me too.

i get in the front seat since both lace and ethan got the backseat. "hi how are you." the taxi driver said. i look and see an 30 year old women smiling at me.

"i'm good you?" i said buckling my seatbelt.

"rough day but thankfully your my last passenger." she smiled as i laugh a bit.

she started to drive and i couldn't help but hear both lace and ethan giggling quietly. i look down at my hands and started to tear up.

don't you fucking dare cry! stop it! they will notice! okay you have tears coming. well i tried.

i wipe my tears quickly. "you alright?" the lady said.

"yeah just miss my family from home." i smiled.

i look in the rear-view mirror and see ethan whispering in lace's ear as she giggled and pushed him playfully.

we pulled up by lace's house. "thank you for driving me here. text me later ethan." she winked and left.

not even a goodbye for me? well thanks. the whole ride was silent until we got to the hotel. "thank you." i pay her 50 dollars and she smiled and thanked me.

i walk into the hotel and quickly go into the elevator not wanting to be around ethan.

he obviously doesn't like you hayley get that through your head!

i successfully made it into the elevator when ethan's hand just had to be in the way.

he got in and pressed our floor button. "you did great today!" he complemented me.

i roll my eyes. "really? because i saw you flirting with my best friend. how did you notice me the whole time while you're with another girl!"

"well sorry she's pretty cute." he said and i could tell he was smirking.

i wanted to scream and rip off his luscious hair but i didn't.

"you should date her then." i sarcastically said.

"yeah maybe i should." he said. the elevator dinged and the doors open. i quickly get out but ethan pulled me back in.

"i'm kidding hay! i told you, i like you and only you. no one is getting in between our relationship." he said holding onto my hands.

"what relationship?" i yanked my hand out of his grasp and walked into our hotel room.

i was beyond mad at this point. well i shouldn't be. i should be happy that my friend has someone to hang out with.

wait no i should be mad! she didn't say a word to me the whole ride! she's flirting with my ethan! she doesn't deserve anything but shit.

okay maybe i'm over exaggerating. she's a great friend but really she could've went with alex or grayson.

but she just had to choose ethan. my ethan.

well damn getting spicy up in here. probably need some water for next chapter because it's gonna get hot.

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