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| ethan |

i have been non stop texting hayley. she's that kind of person who replies before i even send a text. "grayson! can u try calling hayley?" i yelled across the room.

"uh why can't you?" he asked.

"because if i call her and she texts saying don't call while i'm trying to call her, that'll be embarrassing." i said.

"fine." he said and brought his phone up to is ear.

"hello?" i could hear someone's voice.

"hayley! ethan is wondering why you haven't been texting back!" he said.

"oh don't worry, i'm just on a shopping spree with my girls. tell him i'll call back later." she said.

"oh ok, have fun!" grayson said and hung up.

"she's on a shopping spree." grayson said. i nodded my head.

| hayley |

after grayson hung up on the phone Jarod took my phone and smashed it on the ground.

my life is on that fricken phone dumb shit. "now no one will contact us or find us." he smirked.

"Jarod why are u doing this!" i asked with tears coming down my face.

"just getting my little princess back." he hugged me and i was very uncomfortable.

"Jarod! they're awake!" someone yelled.

"fuck! stay here! don't fucking move!" he yelled and ran out of the room.

i started panicking. i looked around the room and see a pocket knife on the other side of the room. since my hands and feet were the only things that were tied, i tried getting up. once i did, i started jumping up and down while i got closer to the knife.

"one, more...ste-"


"oh just a little walk." i fake smiled.

"nO THE FUCK! sit down little slut!" he said. i started jumping but he pushed me which caused me to trip and fall down in the exact same spot i was in the beginning.

how did i end up like this?

"now my friend jacob is coming to bring you food. so shut your face or i'll do it for you." he said and smirked at the end.

i gulped and looked down. he sat down and his phone rang.

"hello?" he said and smoked a cigarette.

"yeah dude she's right here, come pick her up." he said and hung up the phone.

"what were you talking about on the phone?" i asked.

"oh nothing. just some guy wants you to be a stripper." he smirks.

"WHAT? i'm not doing shit." i said shocked.

"too bad the contract has already been made!" he said.

"what contract. i didn't sign anything." i said.

"well your name is now Anna Hasbreen. welcome to your new life." he said as the door open and an thirty year old men stand up and carries me to his car.

"ill miss you baby girl. don't worry i'll call in sometime and see how you work it." he winked as i gag.

"let's go princess." the thirty year old man said locked me inside his white van.

tbh i don't even know what i'm writing. lmao

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