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ethan's pov

i couldn't stop thinking about hayley.
she's beautiful. how can my fans hate her? she's intelligent, sweet, heart-warming. i love her.

she may think of me as a big brother, but i think of her as more than a best friend. i was stupid to not notice that. i held her hands while she looks at the sunset. i smiled.

'she thought the sunset was pretty, but i thought she was pretty.' i take a instagram photo and post it on instagram.

"ethan! did you take a photo?" she asked turning around.

"no, maybe." i smirked.

she rolled her eyes. "whatever this sunset is beautiful."

"you're beautiful." i said out loud by accident. well shit.

"aww thank you ethan." she hugged me tightly.

she went back inside finding grayson and alex sleeping on her bed. hayley let out a sigh.

"where do i sleep now, the couch. alex's bed is too hard and grayson sleeps with you." she whined walking over to the couch.

"i guess i'm crashing here tonight." she said.

"no you aren't. you're sleeping with me." i said walking over to her.

"really? i don't have too." she said.

"yes you do. this couch is made for losers you aren't a loser." i smiled grabbing her hand and going into my room.

"aww you're such a gentlemen ethan. your future girl will be so lucky to have you." she smiled climbing into bed.

i smiled. "my future girl?"

"yeah like when you get a girlfriend." she laughed, i turned off the lights and made my way under the sheets with her.

"what about you, any boy in mind?" i said. she smiled.

"maybe." she said. i could tell she's blushing.

"aww, really what's his name?" i asked. she picked at her nails.

"e-GARY!" she said. my heart clenched a bit.

"gary? what's kind of shit name is that?" i said laughing. she pushed me playfully. "don't disrespect spongebobs pet snail!"

"ok ok i'm sorry." i said, she yawned.

"let's get some sleep." she suggested.

it was finally silent and i could tell she already fell asleep. her back was facing me. i wrap my arm around her and pulled her towards me. she turned around and snuggled into my chest.

i could get used to this.

i wake up and and see hayley on top of my chest. she looked so cute. i take a quick snap and head to the bathroom.

"no don't leave me." she said her grip around my waist got tighter.

i laid another 30 minutes with her in bed until grayson barged in.

"YO LOVEBIRDS WE ARE EXPLORING MONTREAL SO GET UP AND GET READY." he yelled probably causing the whole country to wake up.

"ugh." me and hayley groaned. we got up. she went back to her room to get ready.

i went into hayley's room and see her taking a mirror selfie. "ugh none of these aren't good enough. why do i have to be so u-" i cut her off.

"if you say the u word i will come there and throw your phone across the country!" i said to smiling. she looked at me but still frowning.

"don't say that about yourself. you are beautiful, inside and out. no one doesn't have the right to tell you that you're not. i love you just the way you are. with or without makeup. without is better but if you want to wear makeup i'm not stopping you. don't make yourself feel ugly, worthless. YOURE NOT." i said hugging her. she smiled at me.

"i love you ethan." she said. (not in that way...yet)

"i love you more." i said.

aww. cute chapter ! i ship them so hard omgomgomgomg but since i'm the writer of this story i have to make them hate eachother at one point. :((

qotd; would you chew gum for the rest of your life or chew cereal?

ik weird question bUt answer !!

aotd; i would chew gum lmao i don't really eat cereal :)

if i get more than 20 comments new chapter !!

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