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Ethan punched Nash and I pulled Ethan off of him but he was too strong. "Ethan stop!" I yelled.

these two guys who looked our age came and pulled Ethan off of nash.

Ethan tried to escape and successfully did and punched Nash once more. I had enough energy to push Ethan away from him and he looked me in the eyes and breathes heavily.

"I'm sorry." he apologized. I roll my eyes and walked back home.

I can't deal with this right now. to be honest I don't even know what's going on. I actually need a break. from social media and people.

but my fans will be upset with me. I love them so much and I can't do that. maybe I'll stay on social media but be a little distant towards it but not my fans.

I go on Instagram and look at who I'm following. 136 accounts.

I go on Ethan's profile and unfollow him. I laugh at myself. it's like I'm back in grade 10 unfollowing the fakes. 

I sigh and took a nice warm shower. I then hop out and wear some grey sweatpants and a black pocket tee.

I turn on the tv and watch some of The Fosters. ( it's a great show wAtCh iT !1!1 )

I then get distracted by my phone. I look at it and then back at the tv. oh god damn maybe theres beef already about me unfollowing Ethan and not Grayson.

I go into Twitter.

@/GPinkSnapback: Hayley unfollowed Ethan and not Grayson. well shit. BEEF !1!1

@/love4dolphintwins: damn Ethan got unfollowedzone!

@/flatteredolans: Ethan what shit did u do again? (Twitter promo)

I laugh at the funny tweets and then Ethan tweets out.

@/ethandolan: I'm sorry :(

i turn off my phone and head to bed. I know it's early but your girl is tired as fuck.

I lay down and close my eyes as I fall asleep hugging my pillows tightly.

I wake up to see Alex and Grayson throwing pillows at me laughing.

I cover my face with my arms as I scream. "morning sunshine! we are going on a hike!"

"what are you guys doing here?" I asked hugging them. it's been a hot minute since I've hugged them.

"well if Ethan could come to LA why can't we? plus we are on break but for only 2 weeks." Grayson explained and I smiled.

"ok well get out! I need a shower." I pushed them out of my room.

I wondered to myself if Ethan was coming with us on our morning hike. hopefully not. the last thing I want to do is see him, but probably by the beginning of next year, everything will be good.

I hop into the shower and let the warm water hit my skin. my favorite part of showering is being alone.

yeah I know I have many people that love me and I talk to them as much as I can but sometimes I like the feeling of being alone.

being unsocial.

by the time I was done Alex and Grayson were banging on my door.

"hurry up!" Alex yelled.

"I just finished calm your tits." I yelled back.

I wrapped a towel around me and walked into my closet.

the best part of my room is that my closet and bathroom are connected so if someone was waiting for me in my bedroom for example Alex and Grayson they didn't have to see me with a towel wrapped around my body. I changed into some leggings that were cropped to the bottom of my knee. a black adidas sports bra and a white adidas tank. I wore my Nike roshes and a hat.

I open my closet door and see Grayson, Alex and Ethan standing there.

"finally!" Grayson said. I rolled my eyes. Alex and him left the room and Ethan just stood there looking at me from head to toe.

I rolled my eyes once again and followed Grayson and Alex. I grabbed my water bottle and filled it with cold water.

"let's go." I said and walked past all three of them to my car.

I made my way to the elevator and the three of them walked in seconds later.

"so you guys are leaving in 2 weeks?" I asked.

they all nodded even that Ethan hoe. I nodded back and the rest of the elevator ride was silent.

we got into my car and I started driving to our hike. this hiking place was my favorite. I would come here every morning to see the sunrise and every night to see the sunset.

sometimes I just wish I haven't joined social media but then I do think about how grateful I am. how many people make edits of me and take their time to watch my videos or spam me on Twitter.

we finally made it to our destination and we all got out of the car.

"before we start hiking me and Alex are going to go get water bottles for us three since we forgot about them and you didn't." Grayson explained.

oh please don't leave me alone with Ethan. I sigh and see them walk off to the gas station by the Parking lot.

it was really hot here even tho it's fall. me and Ethan just stood there clueless on what to do.

"listen I'm sorry about yesterday night." Ethan said.

I wasn't facing him. "it's fine Ethan just forget about it."

"no why would I forget about what I did. I kissed another girl, I hit a guy who I didn't know, and I lost you. I can never forget that. I will never forgive myself." Ethan cried out.

he had tears in his eyes. I looked at him and hugged him tightly. it hurts me seeing him like this.

"everyone makes mistakes Ethan. that's how we learn. now you know that kissing another girl isn't right when you have someone else. and next time when you don't do that you wouldn't loose that special someone Ethan. I still like you Ethan. you only got 4 shows left. don't be sad! it's tour! meet your fans and be happy. that's all im asking for." I said to him as I held his hands.

"but I want us to be together Hayley." Ethan said looking down at his feet.

"I would die if I found out if I was dating you but right now it's just a lot. I'm sorry Ethan, but maybe sometime we could maybe be boyfriend and girlfriend-" he interrupted me with a kiss. he held my waist and my hands were on his neck.

"ehm. thirsty much Ethan?" Alex said and we pulled away. he passed ethan a water bottle. he turned bright red and I laughed at him. 

"let's get this hike on ladies!" I shouted and we laughed.

now this is what I wanted.

ahhh! new chapter after 69 years im sorry. I won't be active as much but i will be posting as much as I can until I get my phone back.

please read my other books while you wait for an update!

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