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| hayley |

"kyle!" i ran towards him. ethan didn't even look at me but kyle did.

"ethan get off him! he did nothing to you!" i said and tried pulling him away. i see grayson and alex running towards us and pulling ethan off of kyle.

they successfully pulled him off but kyle was all bruised and shit.

"oh kyle." i whispered.

grayson and alex took ethan away from kyle and i. i was pissed at ethan. why would he do such a thing.

kyle sat down and leaned against the wall. "i'm sorry this happened kyle. what did he say to you." i asked holding his hand tight.

he had a busted lip. "h-he told me i'm not good enough for you. i should quit at life and leave you alone." he started tearing up. i could tell he was trying not to.

"kyle, it's okay to cry. who cares about ethan. i would never leave you alone. i don't know what's up with him, i'll try talking to him and tell him to stay away from you." i hugged him tightly. i pull away but i was still close. i leaned in and kissed he's bruised lip. he kissed back.

i then pull away. "sorry it's just too soon, we just met yesterday." i said looking down.

"i totally understand, i'll wait for you princess." he smiled and kissed my cheek.

i said goodbye to kyle and went to my hotel room seeing the one and only ethan dolan sitting on top of my bed.

"why!" i tried keeping my voice low.

he didn't reply just looked at me.

"ethan! please fucking tell me why the hell you would do that?!" i said to him.

"he's not good enough for you." he mumbles. i scoff.

"you haven't even talked to him just yelled at him for no reason! it's not nice to do that! his lip is all bruised because of you, he's scared of you! you shouldn't do that to him, he didn't to shit to you. you confuse me ethan." i said.

"how do i confuse you?" he asked standing up.

"one minute your all lovey dovey and then the next your a monster." i said trying not to look at him.

"i wasn't me when i did that." he said.

"what do you mean! it was all you! i saw it." i said looking up and seeing his bloodshot red eyes.

"i didn't know what i was thinking im sorry." he said.

"don't say sorry to me! say sorry to kyle." i said.

"ok what's his phone number?" ethan asked pulling out his phone.

"are you kidding me! don't say sorry over the phone say it infront of his face." i said. i grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards kyles door.

he just looked at me. i gave him the 'knock on the fricken door doofus' look.

he knocked on the door and i just stood there.

"ethan?...hayley?" kyle said looking at us.

i push ethan a little closer to kyle.

"i-im sorry kyle. it was dumb for me to hurt you like that. i don't know what got into me. i hope we could be friends? start this all over?" ethan said playing with his hands but still looking at kyle.

kyle gave him a reassuring smile. he nodded his head. they bro hugged and i smiled. "do you guys wanna watch a movie with me?" kyle suggested.

"sure." i said and we both walked into his room. it was kinda awkward between kyle and ethan. i would be cuddling with kyle but ethan would slowly pull me away so i can be closer to him.

"wow what a great movie." i said standing up.

"well we got a flight early this morning, nice meeting you kyle sorry about what happened." ethan smiled and shook his hand.

"no worries! stay safe." kyle hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"visit sometime?" kyle suggested.

"sure i love paris." i said.

"alright bye." we said and walked back to our hotel room.

"see kyle isn't that bad your such a selfish person." i said to ethan.

"well maybe i am, i'm selfish because i want you all to myself." he said. i looked at him.

it was silent for a few seconds. "don't you see hayley. i like you a lot. but if you want to stay as friends i underst-"

"i-i like you too ethan." i blurt out.

"what? you can't though. kyle is a great guy for you. your replacing him with me?" ethan said.

"maybe kyle is a great guy for me, but no one can't be like you. you comfort me when i'm sad. complement me in everyway. you make me feel special like i'm worth it. and i appreciate that ethan. i really do." i crack a smile. he walks over to me and leans in.

our second kiss.

let me tell you it was a m a z i n g.

alrightyyyyy! thats it for today. last tuesday of 2016!!! :(

hopefully they post a tour video i'm in the mood of crying idk why.

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