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hayley's pov

we enter the museum of fine arts. i look around and see a bunch of paintings from different artists but mostly french artists. "wow look at this!" ethan said pulling me towards the food court.

"are you kidding me?" i said crossing my arms.

"food is art baby." he smirked and ordered a poutine. (i'm from canada so if you haven't tried poutines from here well you should they are fricking delicious!!)

good thing there was a person who could speak english. ethan gave me a plate and we sat down. "ready for the show today?" i asked ethan.

"yeah i'm hyped." he said eating some poutine.

"pig." i said under my breath.

"what?" he asked.

"oh nothing." i said pretending i didn't do shit.

"no you said 'pig'. do you wanna fight. pig style?" he said causing me to laugh hard.

"ethan chill. i was joking." i said finishing the rest of the poutine.

damn i want more.

"i wasn't." he stood up.

i book it out of the tiny food court and ran to alex and grayson.

"no running!" the security said in his french accent.

i hid behind the security guard while ethan ran towards us.

"have you seen a beautiful girl, long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes wearing my red sweatshirt?" he asked the security.

the security moved to this side so i was exposed. "shit." i murmur.

"found you." he hugged me tightly. i wish we could stay like this all day.

we were still hugging. his chin ontop of my head and ear against his chest hearing his heartbeat which made me very calm.

"i'm very grateful for you hayley." ethan said. i smiled and stayed quiet.

"MONTREAL WHATS GOOD!!!" the twins yelled pulling out their phone and took snapchats from the crowd.

the fans were crazy tonight. i was feeling sick tonight and my throat felt like shit so i couldn't sing but i still came and supported the twins and alex.

they were doing the q&a and one person asked 'where is hayley? why didn't she perform with alex?'

"well hayley isn't feeling well and her throat is sore so she couldn't sing today but she's still here." grayson said. i came out and waved while some fans screamed.

"this bitch can't even sing, the fuck!" someone yelled. i look towards the direction of who said that.

"keep your opinions to yourself please, she really didn't do anything to you. she's an amazing person to be around." ethan smiled.

i blushed and went back to backstage. i was twitter tweeting everyone, following, liking, dming. when i heard the show was over and it was meet and greet time.

"you guys did great." i said.

"oh my god you sound like a frog." grayson said laughing.

"and look like one too!" alex said. i rolled my eyes playfully as alex and grayson high five eachother.

"come on, i have Advil for you." ethan grabbed my hand and took me to his dressing room. "sit down." he said.

i obeyed and sat down on the grey leather couch. he gave me a glass of water and a pill.

i put the pill in my mouth and drank the water. "thank you." i blushed and gave him the glass of water back.

"anything for you." he smiled and hugged me.

"woah are we interrupting something?" alex and grayson came in. we pull away.

"no just feeling a little better than before." i smiled at ethan. he smiled back.

"ethan let's go meet and greet time! alex and hayley if you want you can come." grayson said.

"no i'll stay in here. my head kinda hurts. alex you go ahead." i smiled at three of them.

"no it's best if i stay." alex said walking towards me.

"aight bro see yah." ethan smiled and hugged me once again. i waved and laid down on the couch.

"so you and ethan huh." alex nudged me. i laughed and shook my head slightly.

"it's like me and you. a brother and sister relationship." i said crossing my arms.

"sure, it seems more than that? do you him?" he whispered the last part. i rolled my eyes playfully.

"no...maybe...yes i don't know." i said throwing my hands up in the air.

"well better make up your mind because anyone can take him. well someone is gonna take him." he said.

"who's this someone?" i stood up.

"sophia. ethan's ex. they broke up 2 years ago." alex said.

"any you tell me now? where is she?" i asked.

"she's outside waiting to meet the twins. ethan and grayson don't know." he said.

"how do you know?" i asked tilting my head.

"well i might of invited her..." he looked down.

"WHAT! are you joking?" i asked.

"no. but i didn't know she dated ethan until i asked him 'do you know a girl named sophia?' i swear." he said not looking at me in the eyes once.

"i guess ethan doesn't deserve me." i said trying not to tear up.

"no he does des-" i cut alex off with my mini rant.

"no he doesn't alex. i have been trying to get closer to him day by day but every time a girl comes my chances with him are ruined. he doesn't like me that way and i should know this. i need to give up on him. he's not mine and he will never be mine. he so sweet, gentle, and caring. whoever he has will take care of him and keep him safe. he's okay without me. i love him with all my heart." i said with a shaky breath. i was not okay. but he will be once he finds the girl of his dreams.

it hurts knowing i'm not that gonna be that girl.

so? how do you think of this chapter? did u like it? did you?

i have been noticing that barely anyone comments their answer on the chapter. you know what that means.

no answer = no new chapter.

anyways qotd is....

|| where do you live? ||

i'm not trying to sound creepy or anything just what province/state/city/country do you live in?

|| i live in Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦 ||

50+ comments = a new chapter :))

—slaydolans 💓☁️👼🏻💦💫✨

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