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Hayley's POV
currently in Dallas, Texas.
Lots of Dolan accounts make edits about ethan and i, but how come they don't want me in their pictures.

"Hey Hayley we are going shopping." Alex said.

"Ok." I sighed. i didn't feel like doing anything today.

I got up and begin to get ready. I wore a maroon pocket shirt and light washed jeans. I wore my maroon vans that matches my shirt and wore some makeup. I usually go to the mall with my mom because she buys everything for me.

I go downstairs and see Ethan,Grayson and Alex, but one person caught my attention.


Oh hell nah. This bitch better not be coming with us. "Hey Hayley!" Meredith said with her fake ass teeth.

"Hey hoe!" I said under my breath so only I can hear it.

"Meredith is coming with us. Maybe you two could get along." Ethan suggested. what happened to 'i would choose my family over you any day' ?

"Totally." She says nodding her head crazy.

I rolled my eyes and went inside the kitchen. "Hey Hayley." Grayson said.

"Hey." I said drinking a class of water after.

"I really don't know why Meredith is coming." He says.

"It's honestly fine." I said taking another sip of my water.

"You can hang out with me and Alex, Meredith and Ethan will shop alone." He said. I nodded my head and went outside.

We all got inside Alex's car. Alex in the driver seat, Grayson in the passenger seat, me in the back with sadly Meredith and Ethan.

The drive wasn't that long but it felt like forever. Ethan and Meredith kept kissing and giggling and all the couple shit. I was hella annoyed. We were trying to listen to drake and get hyped but merebitch went and said to turn on slow love songs.

We arrived at the mall and I got out quickly because I can't stand those love birds.

Me, Grayson and Alex went to our favourite stores while the love birds went inside the jewelry store and Meredith forced him to get a bracelet.

I was currently in Sephora alone because Alex and Grayson think it's too boring.

I was looking at some new foundation but someone said my name. "Look it's Hayley Aiono. The fake slut." Some teen girls said.

"Excuse me?" I said offended.

"We all know your using the twins for fame." One girl said. her hands were on her hips.

"I'm not, they told me I can go on tour with them so I don't miss my brother." I said.

"Oh really? How could you expose them like that." The other one said.

"What do you mean?" I said clearly confused.

"Go on Twitter. We are done talking to you." The girl with a Jacob t shirt that says 'baby wear my sweatshirt'.

They walked away and I went on Twitter. #Tunesday was trending world wide!

That's impossible I never told anyone. I walked out of the store and see Grayson and Alex sitting on a bench.

"Who told about Tunesday?" I asked them.

"You did." Grayson rolled his eyes.

"I didn't. I swear." I said.

"You promised you never tell anyone. How could I believe you." He said pissed.

"I didn't though." I said.

"Your kicked off 4ou." He spat in my face and walked away.

"A-Alex?" I looked up and see him.

"They kicked me out too." He said looking down.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't tell anyone." I said.

"Just forget about it." He said not making eye contact.

I looked on Twitter and see @CelebNews say something about 4ou.

'@CelebNews: Hayley and Alex Aiono kicked off 4ou tour?'

Now I'm mad. [ LETS GOOOOO ]

I look at see Grayson subtweeted at me.

@GraysonDolan: some friends are like a penny, two faced and worthless. [ ngl i used this on someone bc she was fake, ik its rude, but i don't talk to her anymore so we kinda forgot about each other ]

I run inside Alex car and we both leave the mall. We go inside our hotel room and I run onto my bed crying.

Me and Grayson are like best friends and him saying that to me breaks my heart. I thought he loved me. (Like a friend)

"Hayley don't worry about this." Alex said and held me close.

"How could I not. They think I told twitter but I really didn't. No one believes me." I said crying in his arms.

"I believe you. Someone horrible would do this not you. Someone who hates the twins as much as they hate you." He said.

"I love you Alex." I hugged him.

"I love you too sis." He said hugging back.


Dang who could this back stabbing bitch be?

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