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| hayley |
few days later

i wake up and see the beautiful city of melbourne. i then pout because i remember about ethan in the hospital. the doctors say he's staying in there until all his wounds are healed.

"hey you awake?" grayson comes in and sees that im awake. he smiles weakly and climbs into bed with me.

"so you wanted to talk?" he asks remembering what i said before in the airport a few days ago.

"it's dumb." i sigh and he wraps his arms around me.

[ before you all think grayson has a crush on hayley, nO. they're best friends! oK? oK! ]

"no it's not. tell me." he says.

i sigh once again. "when we were on the plane, i just kept my eyes on ethan sleeping and it made me think."

"think about what?"

"why ethan chose me to be his girlfriend? why me out of everyone! they're plenty of beautiful girls in the world yet he chose me. i'm nothing special. if you compare me and mered-"

"meredith is just a girl who used ethan. yeah she got hate, but she got a lot of followers. she's a attention seeker. the fame got to her head. she listens to her mind not her heart." grayson interrupted me.

"yeah but she's absolutely gorgeous. she's skinny, a model, has a beautiful smile." i say.

"i'm no where near any of that." i say tearing up. grayson sat up.

"you are the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. ethan is so lucky to have you. yeah meredith may be beautiful on the outside but it's the inside that counts. she has nothing but a black heart inside her." grayson says smiling.

i smile back. "thank you grayson."

i hug him tightly. "why don't you get ready and we will get breakfast and meet ethan?"

"yeah ok i'll just take a shower." i said and he nodded before he left he turns around.

"you're beautiful ok?" he says and i smile.

"say it!" he tells me. i roll my eyes playfully.

"i'm beautiful!" i say and he leaves the room.

if you're ever feeling down, grayson will always be there for you to make you feel better. i'm glad grayson is my best friend.

i hop in the shower real quick and brush my teeth while i'm at it. [am i the only one who does this? oops]

i come out and put on my clothes. i wore my ripped boyfriend jeans with my adidas cropped tee and my vans.

i grab my bag and head to graysons room. "didn't take you long."

"yeah well i don't take that long to get ready! LETS GO IM HUNGRY." i say dragging him down to the parking lot where our car was.

i stopped walking before we got to our car. "where's alex?"

"oh alex is meeting us over there. he went for a jog this early morning and found some girl. he's totally crushing over her" grayson said chuckling as we climbed into the car.

i laughed. he started the car and drove to a breakfast place nearby. "how do you think ethan's holding up?"

he sighs. "he's my best friend and my brother. seeing him with cuts and bruises breaks my heart. i want the best for him. i want him to be successful in life. i care about him a lot. i fucking love him, hay."

he tears up. "grayson, ethan will be successful and ethan does loves you a lot. it hurts me too. he'll get better and he'll try his best in life to make you and your family happy. i know he will."

"i'm glad ethan is with you instead of a girl who wants attention. you're exactly what he needs right now. these past few days he's been feeling down. he may have a smile all the time but he's never happy in the inside, but YOU are making him happy. whenever you would leave the hospital, ethan gets sad and he doesn't feel like talking. hopefully he gets out soon." he says sighing at the end.

i never knew ethan would get sad after i left. whenever i came he would talk to me about everything and anything. he wanted to talk forever until i had to leave.

me, alex and grayson arrived at the hospital. the doctor saw and greeted us. "ah, i'm glad the three of you guys showed up!"

we all gave him a smile. "why is that?" grayson asked.

"well ethan is actually feeling a lot better. the bruises have slowly disappeared and the cuts are very close to healing. he should be out in 2 days, maybe tomorrow." the doctor smiles at us.

i smiled pretty big. this is exiciting. "wow, thanks for telling us!" grayson said. the doctor nodded and went off.

"let's go see ethan!" i say and grab both of their arms and dragged them to ethan's room.

i open the door and see ethan sitting down on the hospital bed, surfing through channels on the tv.

he smiles brightly. "hey guys!"

"hey!" we all say.

"so you guys heard the news?" ethan asks pulling me closer to him.

"yeah i'm excited ethan!" i say and he kisses me. "thank you guys for showing up."

"of course. we love you a lot." grayson says hugging ethan.

"i can't wait for tour to start again. i'm excited to see all the smiles! how are the fans doing?" ethan asks grayson.

ethan couldn't use his phone while he was resting. since ethan is addicted to his phone, the doctors suggested that he shouldn't use it.

"they were quite sad but they understood. some of them even apologized for breaking the window." grayson said and ethan nodded.

we all talked about the most random things ever. "guys can me and hay talk alone please."

alex and grayson nodded and left the room. "why do you wanna talk?"

he smiled. "i just wanted to kiss you without getting interrupted by the boys."

i laugh and kissed his warm, soft lips repeatedly. he pulls me on top of him. i guess it didnt hurt since he didn't push me away. he grabs my waist and squeezes it. i squeal as his hands go down to my butt.

my hands travel up to his soft, brown hair. ethan pull his lips off mine and continues to kiss down my neck.

he kisses behind my ear and whispers. "i love you."

goosebumps were sent down my back. i smile.

"i love you too e."

hope you enjoyed this chapter ! i might have 3 more chapters left of this book idk.

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read my other books while you wait for a update!



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