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ethans pov

i laugh as hayley tries to chase me after i took her phone. damn she was beautiful even when her hair is everywhere and shes all red and sweaty.

she is beautiful.

shes everything i wanted.

i stop and she crashes in to me. "ahh!"

we laugh together. i look at her beautiful brown eyes. her smile. oh god i cant just wait to be her man. to protect her at all costs.

she stops laughing and stares into my eyes. she smiles once again and leans in.

"i want to be yours ethan." she whispers as her lips makes a connection with my lips.

we kiss slowly but passionate. she pulls away and stands up. she turns the other way but i get up and stop her.

"hayley? whats wrong?" i asked as i grab her hands so shes facing me.

she has tears in her eyes. "its just after every kiss, we leave our separate ways and continue to be friends. i know i said that i have a lot going on but hopefully after tour we could be together ethan."

"i honestly agree with you. i would love to be your boyfriend. after tour! and your still coming with us!!" he said excitedly.

"for sure." i smile and he hugs me and spins around.

we catch up to alex and grayson who were already waiting for us in the car.

"about time losers." grayson rolls his eyes and me and ethan climb into the backseat. we just laugh at grayson.

alex starts the car and drives us back to my apartment because we are having a fun night.

snacks, movies, music, you name it! we needed to stop at walgreens to pick up the snacks. i went inside with ethan obviously.

i grab 4 bags of chips. 2 sugar cookie boxes, 2 bottles of pop, 4 bags of popcorn and pretzels. after filling the shopping cart i remembered i needed a new foundation.

[ an: im pretty sure we dont walgreens where i live but mostly in grocery stores theres a cosmetic section so lets just hope theres an actual one in walgreens ]

i bring ethan to the cosmetic section and i look for a decent foundation.

ethan sighs. i look at him and cross my arms. "can i help you?"

"you dont need foundation. or any makeup shit! you're beautiful just the way you are babe!!" he says. i smile and hug him.

"why thank you very much babe but i dont wear makeup to impress or anything like that. i wear it because i want to and its art. plus i love art." i smile and hug him.

"i cant make your decision so you do you!" he smiled and hugged back.

we finally payed for the food and head back to the car and drove off to my apartment.

we parked the car and made our way upstairs to my floor. we were all walking and talking about the most random stuff. i unlock the door and let the three boys in but only grayson snd alex went in.

as soon as they did ethan pulled me closer to him and shut the door so we were standing so close outside of my apartment.

"ethan." i breath out. his hands snake around my waist and he pulls me closer .

one of his hands made its way to my jaw and he leaned in closer. oh boy what does he do to me.

we gently kiss each other once again. i can never get tired of these sweet kisses he gives to me. he makes me happy and safe.

we pull away and stare at each other for a good minute or so. "you are beautiful and no one has the right to tell you your not."
[ thats my favorite quote btw]

i smile and thank him. we go back inside. we see alex and grayson setting everything up. comfy pillows and blankets placed in front of the flat screen tv. bowls of chips and bottles of soda on a small coffee table.

i go into the kitchen to pop some popcorn and grayson comes in for a glass of water.

"so you and ethan huh." he said leaning against the counter. i smile and look down.

"if he ever hurts you, i will be always be there for you. as a best friend and a big brother, but if you hurt him, it'll be the opposite." he laughs and hugs me and i hug back.

"thank you gray. i love you." i smile and hug him once more.

yeah i love him. like said as a big brother and a best friend. grayson was always there for me and im glad i have someone like him.

i take the popcorn out of the microwave and into two separate bowls. i walk back into the living room and lay down in between grayson and ethan.

wowowowowoowowowowo. its been a hot minute since i posted but im sadly to say...


yayayya! hope you enjoyed this fanfic and yeahh.

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