Prologue (part 1)

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Dear diary,

My mom told me I should keep a diary, so that when I get older I can look back at my unforgettable and wonderful childhood. Well I wouldn't exactly call  it wonderful, but it was unforgettable.

About 10 years ago, Earth was in the grasp of The Nuclear War between the 3 most powerful country's in the world: America (USA), Russia and China. All 3 possessed most of the worlds' nuclear weapons stock.

After The War people were slowly starting to pick up their daily lives but still felt the aftershocks, the human race was extinct from over 9 billion people to 4 billion people, towns, city's and even whole country's were destroyed and during The War there were multiple meteor strikes Earth had to endure.

The War had washed most of Asia away along with parts of Russia, the Middle East and Australia. The USA was also damaged but not only from The War There was an epidemic outbreak which mostly affected the young children and the elderly. Eventually most of them died. And so the population in the USA was brought down too...

Nobody knew exactly why the war started. But I still remember that my mom told me that I had to stay inside with little Liam (he was about 2 years old and I was 7 years) and that I shouldn't open the door for anyone, until they came back from the store.

In the time they were gone I heard and saw horrible things: bombings, explosions here and there and people running and screaming. When our parents came back they said it was chaos at the stores: people were grabbing anything they could hold and no one paid for anything (I know money isn't an issue at those kind of moments but still). Luckily my parents had stocking the basement with food for over the past 10 months, it was like they knew a war of this size was coming. I could've guessed it because my mother and father both had been working at the government for years and they told me stories about their jobs.

Weeks had passed where nothing really changed: we heard the occasional bombings and explosions. But what really freaked me out were the screams of humans in the middle of the night.

There was one night in particular. It was really hot and I couldn't sleep. I went downstairs a couple of times to watch some movies or the news with my parents but eventually they would sent me back upstairs. There I tried again, without success, to sleep. But then I heard it the scream of a woman very close by. I ran to the window and pushed it open. I looked outside and there I saw her: a woman with two children running from someone. It were two men in lab coats who were chasing after her. I climbed out of my window on the roof and followed them (running over the rooftops): I had a strong feeling that I had to protect those children...

While I was running I had lost them but then I heard the woman yelling: "Stay away from my children!" And then I saw her, the woman had ran into a dead end alley and the men had also. I watched from above as the woman said: "Please, just stay away from them, they're just little kids." "I am very sorry ma'am but we need them, they are very crucial for the outcome of this war" the man with the dark short hair said. "Yes, my colleague is right" the other one with the brown curly hair said. "We had very specific orders to retrieve them and take them to our training camp. There we can train them to bec-" "Oh please cut the act already!" the woman interrupted. They looked surprised when she said that. "I know why you want them and it's not because they will be trained to become soldiers. Oh no, it's because you want to make monsters of them to fight for you and to do your dirty work instead!" she had tears in her eyes now. "Please ma'am your getting this all wrong." the dark haired tried. But it was no use. "No! If you're not letting me through right now I will kill them if, that's the only way I can prevent them from becoming your minions!" She pulled a knife from behind her and the two men were shocked. I wanted to help them but when she was about to do the unthinkable, one of the men pulled something out of his pocket and sprayed it into the woman's face. She fell unconscious to the ground leaving her two children terrified. I had to do something but I couldn't (today I still regret my decision back then). I saw how the two men grabbed the children and walked out of the alley. They took them into an airplane which was called: "The United States Of America". 'Isn't that a plane from the government?' I thought to myself. I saw the four people disappear into the plane and I hid behind one of the vents from the current roof before I knew for sure that the plane was completely out of sight. Then I thought of the woman so I ran towards the other side of the roof, but when I looked down I saw nobody. The woman was gone...

Suddenly I realised that I had been gone a long time, 'maybe my parents already started a search party' (they've always kept a close eye over me). So I ran from rooftop to rooftop until I reached my house. I climbed through the window and luckily there were no worried parents to be seen. When I tried to sleep the thoughts of the woman still went through my mind: what was she talking about when she mentioned "monsters"? I was making up more stories and eventually I fell to sleep.

Now dear diary, that was the beginning of my story. I decided to describe that one night in particular because it means a lot to me. But for now I am a little lost at words, so maybe I'll write to you tonight or tomorrow.

Hugs and kisses from Luna (yep that's my name I'll explain to you later).


So this was the first chapter. I decided to split the backstory of Luna in two different chapters otherwise I thought that one chapter would become too long for you guys. Anyways, if you liked it leave your thoughts about this story behind in the comments.

Thank you for reading. And...
Stay weird my fellow readers!

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