Ariana and Ricky are a young couple who have a 12 year old daughter named Aviana and a 2 month old baby boy Wilder. The real plot here is, is Aviana really Ricky's daughter? Did Ariana lie to Ricky?
Ricky's pov I step out of the bathroom after my shower wearing a white t shirt and my adidas sweatpants. I check the bedroom to see Ariana sleeping with no bra since she was nursing and wilder sleeping and cuddled into her chest.
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I stare in awe as I remembered that I lied to Ariana about where I'm taking the kids, but it's for their own safety. I know it will hurt Ariana but my children are in danger and she needs to be able to see that.
I quickly and quietly go to grab Wilder's diaper bag in the guest room. I look around and check everything that was in the room that belonged to him, grabbing it and putting it in the bag.
I heavily sigh making my way downstairs hearing somebody in the kitchen. My body stiffens as I slowly make a turn into the kitchen to surprisingly find Aviana eating none other than rocky road ice cream right out of the carton.
She stops eating and gives me a guilty look.
"Oh hi daddy" , she whispers loudly.
I look at her sternly carefully walking up to her.
"Hello Aviana Alvarez, I crease my eyebrows, umm quick question why are you eating ice cream at 3:00 in the morning"? I ask after checking the time.
I stop in front of her as she looks down sadly.
"I just wasn't feeling good daddy", she reasons giving me the famous puppy dog eyes she knows I can't resist.
I chuckle pulling her in for a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
"I'm just playing around baby girl, but what to you think your momma would say about that"? I ask smirking already knowing the answer.
She huffs rolling her eyes.
"She would be like Aviana Grande Alvarez what on earth do you think you're doing? I did not raise you to be eating this type of food and especially at 3:00 in the morning. You are grounded for life"! I laugh as Aviana dramatically impersonates Ariana.
I look at her giggling as she eats her ice cream. She is so beautiful just like her mother. The way her light brown hair falls down her back and the way her dimples pop out on both her cheeks when she talks or smiles, she's Ariana's twin for sure.
I look at her eating and smile.
"Did you know rocky road is my favorite ice cream"? I say.
She looks up at me and smiles; before passing me the half eaten carton of the creamy delicious substance.
I laugh and take the spoon from her beginning to take a scoop.
"Well that's cool, I share something common with my non biological dad" she says happily.
I look at her letting the cold substance go down my throat before talking.
"Well I want you to always think that I'm your only dad. Justin will never be your father and you will never see him again" I blurt out kinda regretting it.
Aviana looks at me, her face filled with confusion.
"What are you talking about daddy"? She asks.
I sigh, there's no easy way to tell her anything and we have to leave before Ariana wakes up having to feed Wilder again in about an hour in a half.
"Well princess me, you and your baby brother are going to leave town for a couple of months" I declare waiting to see her reaction.
She looks at me shocked and scared.
"What about mommy and Nonna"? She begins asking all these questions scared and nervously.
I grab her hands and put them in my big ones, looking her in the eyes.
"Baby doll they are going to be just fine, I already talked to your mom and she rejected this proposal at first but I had to let her know it was for your own safety".
She looks at me and just nods her head.
"I need you to go grab all the things you brought here to Nonna's and pack it up, we will then go home to pack some more things and we will be on our way to our destination okay"? I say very carefully to make sure she understood everything I was telling her.
She gets off the chair in the kitchen and goes in the guest room to retrieve her stuff.
I get up and throw away the empty carton of ice cream and put the spoon in the sink before making my way up to Ariana's old room that held Ariana herself and our baby boy.
I enter quietly and go to where Ariana had Wilder on her chest and carefully pry him from her, only to leave her swollen breasts exposed. She starts moving around and I mentally start to freak out. I start to step away quietly until Ariana opened her eyes.
"Ricky"? She sighs covering her breasts with her arms.
"What are you doing"? She asks.
I freeze and look at her.
"I'm ummm putting the baby in the guest room". I say coolly.
She gets up and grabs her bra, putting it on so she wouldn't be too exposed.
"Oh okay, well I'm gonna get some more sleep come back to bed when your return". She tells me going back to sleep.
I sigh in relief. I feel really bad taking the kids away from her but I have to. I go over to her and gently kiss her forehead and her lips.
I take Ariana's car keys and go in the kitchen to grab the 4 bottles of breast milk Ariana pumped, putting them in the diaper bag cooler and load everything up.
I get in the car and start it. I heavily sigh before turning around to look at Aviana.
"You ready to go baby girl"? I ask.
"Ready as I'll ever be". She replies.
I continue looking back at her and remember.
"If your mother, Nonna, Frankie, or Alexa call, do not answer them ok"? I demand looking strictly at her.
She looks at me in disbelief and fright.
"Why not"?
I had to think of some excuse.
"Because Justin or anyone helping Justin can track you down when you make phone calls". I reason.
"Oh okay". She sadly says.
I really hope Ariana doesn't hate me for this.
Authors Note: Okay so Ricky lied to Ariana about where he was taking them!!!!!! What do u think is gonna happen next??