Ariana and Ricky are a young couple who have a 12 year old daughter named Aviana and a 2 month old baby boy Wilder. The real plot here is, is Aviana really Ricky's daughter? Did Ariana lie to Ricky?
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Ariana's pov "Ariana Justin literally told the media that Avianas his child!" Jen whisper yells into the phone.
My heart starts racing and I feel myself start to panic. Wilder stops feeding due to the uncomfortable position I put him in and I quickly fix myself making myself look decent again.
"He what!" I scream after making my way to the backyard so that I wouldn't wake up my father in law and his granddaughter on the couch.
With Wilder still in my arms I bounce him around so that he won't start to get bored.
"Ariana, why on earth would he say something like that? I mean you guys only had a thing for like 3 weeks to a month, Avianas Ricky's child so what possessed Justin to say something like this?!" She rambles on for as my manager she's furious and worried about how this outburst might make me look in the public eye.
I sit down at one of the picnic tables outside and pinch the bridge of my nose with my fingers.
I take a deep breath not wanting to stress myself so much for the sake the growing child inside of me.
"Ariana you need to say something about this. It's ridiculous!!! I swear he's on drugs. You have to say he's lying. Say he's crazy! Do something! We need to think of what we're gonna say to the press." She says and I can tell that she's probably pulling her hair over how stressed she is with the sudden news.
She has no idea that Ricky's not the father of that little girl.
"Do you have any idea how bad this makes you look?" She growls through the phone as I stay there silent trying to process everything that's happening.
I'm about to speak until I feel a warm and slimy substance drip down my chest. Great just fucking great!
I look down to see that Wilder had spit up all of what he just ate which was, breast milk all over himself and I.
I groan placing the phone on the table and putting it on speaker.
"Fuck!" I mumble as Wilder starts crying because of his outfit being all dirty and wet.
I can still hear Jen rambling in the back.
"Mommy's so sorry bebé. I forgot to burp you." I coo at the infant hoping that my voice with soothe him.
I sigh getting up from the table, taking Wilder into my arms.
I grab my phone putting it to my ear.
"Jen, I'm gonna figure this out okay!! I promise. Can I call you back when I come up with a plan?" I impatiently say trying to juggle a crying baby and my phone in my arms.
I hear her groan.
"Whatever Ari. It's you're career not mine. The longer you wait the more suspicious you look." She says before ending the call.