Chapter 34

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Aviana's pov ( pretend she's shorter than she looks)

   It's 3:00 am when we get to Nana and Tatas house and I'm super tired

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   It's 3:00 am when we get to Nana and Tatas house and I'm super tired.

Daddy quietly opens the door and we go inside.

"Okay princess, do you want to sleep in daddy's old room or the guest room?" He whispers kneeling down in front of me so that I can hear him better.

I bite my lip and think.

"It's not that hard to choose Avi. You'll see Nana, Tata, and Auntie Ry Ry in a couple of hours for breakfast." He concludes making me make up my mind about where I want to sleep.

"Ummmm I choose your old room". I respond happily. I only chose that room because it has pictures of my mom and him when they were dating, and a couple of me when I was a baby.

He chuckles taking my hand and walking me to his old room upstairs.

I jump on his bed and make myself comfortable. Thank god im wearing leggings and a sweater I feel way more relaxed.

"Okay doll face, wake me up if you need anything I'll be right across the hall alright?" My dad says grabbing his phone charger and an extra blanket.

I yawn nodding my head. He turns the night light on after kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight, hermosa" (gorgeous in Spanish) he coos shutting my door closed.

I sigh and look around on his shelves that contained his high school baseball stuff like trophies and medals along with a whole bunch of pictures of my mom with him.

The one that hangs on his wall with a frame is his favorite one he told me so.

The one that hangs on his wall with a frame is his favorite one he told me so

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It was 2 and a half years after I was born. My mom had put an album out the previous year and there they were the second year on her first tour. I of course tagged along but I don't remember any of it, just pictures of me on a plane and tour buses etc. This particular picture tho was taken after a concert in San Diego, I was sick or something like that and my mom felt guilty for leaving me with Nana and Tata since I wasn't their responsibility. After the concert she cried to my dad about being such a bad mom, but of course he was there to comfort her and encouraging her through it all as he wiped her tears. Then and there as my dad held her close to his body Uncle Fredo snapped a pic without my parents noticing. My dad loved it ever since.

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