Ariana and Ricky are a young couple who have a 12 year old daughter named Aviana and a 2 month old baby boy Wilder. The real plot here is, is Aviana really Ricky's daughter? Did Ariana lie to Ricky?
Aviana's pov I kept on running, trying to get as far as I possibly can away from Ricky. He lied to me my mom doesn't know where Wilder and I are at. Why would he do something like that? I am perfectly fine living with my mother.
I come to a stop as I seem to have hit a downtown alley. There's a lot of people walking around which would result to them having cell phones. I walk up to a group of people who seem pretty nice.
I take a deep breath and make my way through.
"Ummm excuse me does anybody here have a cellphone I can borrow"? I ask confidently.
They all stop talking and look at me. I stand there shyly waiting for an answer. A couple seconds later this man with tattoos and green eyes chuckles and looks at me.
"Yah, here you can borrow mine sweetheart". He takes his phone out of his pocket and gives it to me.
I thank him quickly going into a corner, but not too far from the group so he knows I'm not trying to steal it. I dial my moms number hoping she answers quickly.
The phone rings for a minute or so and I try again. After a couple more tries I give up and go back to the man only to see his friends left and he was patiently waiting for me to finish my call.
"Thank you sir". I say shyly giving him his phone back.
He genuinely smiles at me.
"No problem little lady".
I turn to walk into a restaurant in the downtown alley and wait to see if I can borrow another phone in a couple minutes.
I make it into a diner and sit in a booth. I just sit there wondering how my life turned into hell these last few couple of days, I mean I found out the man who I thought was my father is not my father, I found out that THE Justin Bieber is my biological father and wants to take full custody of me, and oh let me see how can I forget that my best friend is leaving in a couple of days and I haven't even spent any time with her. My life is just so fucked up at the moment, I haven't even had enough time to grieve and let all my feelings out.
I sit there and cry, I'm crying in frustration, confusion, and anger. I don't deserve any of this, I really didn't do anything wrong.
I have my head down on the table when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up quickly wiping my tears away fast to make myself look appealing.
To my surprise it's the man who let me use his phone with the green eyes and a tan trench coat on.
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He sits down in front of me.
I sigh heavily. I really didn't feel like talking to anybody, but to save myself from looking suspicious and lost I have to act normal just for my sake.
"Can I help you"? I ask sounding too much like a bitch.