Manchester 😥

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All I can say is damn

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All I can say is damn. My heart is broken. I've been sad all day just thinking about all those innocent lives that were taken away for no reason. These people went to this concert for a good time. They went to escape reality and see their idol sing. This is a fucked up world. To target such a young and innocent crowd is such a heartless thing to do. To think that these people are somebody's kids, somebody's brother or sister, somebody's niece or nephew, somebody's grandchild, it sucks! I'm mad at the world I live in today. That could have been any of us and to think that I too was at an arena similar to that and that would have happened I would be traumatized. I thank God that didn't happen at my concert, but these people were fans just like me who wanted to see their fav singer perform, and this happens. I just want to say my prayers, condolences, and loves goes out to everyone who was affected by this awful occasion.

My heart goes out to Ari and the crew. I can't even imagine what she's going through. To think of her being sad makes me feel sad. She's always super happy and I hope that she takes the time she needs to in order to heal.

My love, prayers and condolences to those innocent people who got hurt, or who lost a a loved one. I love all my fellow arianators and I appreciate each and everyone one of you. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face you sweet babies💕💕💕😭😭😩😥😥😥

BTW if anyone wants to ever talk my Twitter is @Moonlightxbae

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