Chapter 1: The Accident

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I tried to wake up. My head was pounding. There was bright lights. I looked around now realizing where I was. A hospital. Oh... I just now remembered what happened. Well, before I blacked out anyways. It all happened so fast. "Mom?" "You're awake. Thank goodness. Let me get the nurse and notify her. But first of all, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. My head hurts a lot." "Okay. I'll let her know." I nodded my head as she walked away to get my nurse. I was going over what had happened. I was on Cas, my gelding, when he spooked at a jackrabbit. A damn jackrabbit. Can't blame him. Wait... Wait... Sam... He carried me back after I fell off. "Come on. Don't pass out. Stay with me. We're almost there. No. No. Katie!" The words went through my head now. Making me hurt more but I just can't help it. From the moment I met him a year ago he sparked something inside me. We didn't keep in touch or anything but we sure did have fun while he was over. We rode the horses and hung out a little bit at his aunt's place, where he was staying for now.

Mom and the nurse walked in the room, stopping me from thinking about him. Stacy, the nurse, continued to ask me questions about how I was and if I remembered what had happened. I was too caught up in thinking that I barely realized I had a cast on my left arm. A little part in me was relieved that it was the left and not the right. It actually did hurt just a bit. "So, we'll have you released this afternoon." My mind finally tuned in to Stacy. "Really?! Sounds great!" "Thank you so much Ms. Stacy. We really appreciate it." "Oh thank you for being such a great patient and being strong. I'm glad you're feeling okay. Remember, if you feel nauseous or anything let me know." "Yes ma'am. I sure will. Thank you." She smiled and walked off. We were now waiting for our discharge papers.

It's 5:00 now. Sam and his mom wanted to come over. I knew Sam only because my mom is friends with his mom also. I was the only younger girl in the family that was into horses. I'm kind of the only one close to them that is involved with horses. Not very many other kids in my family are into horses. Knock knock. They're here! This time I was a bit more nervous about seeing him. But also, I know he would feel at peace seeing I'm okay. I get up off the couch (yes I'm home finally!) and get the door. "Oh hi sweetie! How are you?" "I'm doing pretty good actually. Just a fracture that's all. How are you?" "Oh I'm better now seeing that you're okay. Someone else wanted to see you too."

There he was. Walking up the driveway. Holding a small, yet strikingly beautiful bouquet of simple flowers.


Hi guys! Hope you liked my first chapter! I may not update on a specific date but I'll try to do it as much as I can! Share, Vote, and Comment!

SummerMemories00  <3

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