Chapter 27: Dinner and Moving

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--1 Month Later--
We were eating at Rita's having a good steak for dinner. It was my mom, Tom, Sam's mom, Sam, and I. It was quite nice. The only thing catching me off guard was Tom. He was pretty nice. I finally got to meet him a few days ago. It's just... He has this lingering stare that isn't quite comfortable while you're eating. I noticed my pace had picked up when I was moving my fork. I was getting antsy. I hated when people stared at me. Sam was going outside to get his phone that he left in the truck to show my mom a picture. I figured this was my chance to get some air. "Hey babe, I'll go with you. It sure is nice outside!" My facial expression was 'I need to tell you something is really bothering me!' Sam stood up right away and took my hand to go outside.

"Hey honey. What's the matter?" "I needed some air. People staring. It makes me feel weird. But not you babe. I know you stare for other reasons." I said smiling. He smiled right back with that magical smile. "I uh, I noticed it too. Pretty weird..." "Yeah it wasn't the best situation." "We can stay out here for as long as you want babe." "Okay. I'll stay a little longer." After another 5 minutes we finally went inside. "Oh hey honey! What took you guys so long?" my mom asked. "Oh we were just... Talking. That's all. It's real nice outside." "So did you guys like the steak?" I asked Tom and my mom. "It was great sweetie!" "Delicious." Tom said leaning in slightly towards my way and staring. Sam coughed and he backed up. "Seems it's time for the check huh babe?!" He said in a hurrying voice.

"Well. It was nice... For a little bit." "I know baby. We're going home now. Sam's mom was right behind us. She was alone. But she prefers it that way. She's not into the whole dating thing. She'd rather be on her own. Sam and I were tired. We went straight to bed.

--Next day--
It was moving day! Time to get all our little bit of furniture we had into the new house. Sam and I figured we could just get Netflix for now. We don't hardly ever sit down and watch TV. We mostly listen to the radio.

--Later that evening--
"We did it Sam. We got us a house!" "We did it... We did it." The look on his face was a proud man. He gave me that hug that never gets old. That tight reassuring kind.

Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating in a while! There's no official update days now! So you guys could get two chapters right after another or one the next day!

SummerMemories00 <3

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