Chapter 21: Planning

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Sam's POV

"Okay. So first of all, let's discuss how many people will be there. Sam, your friends. Katie, your friends. And remember, no friends of friends. That'll just add craziness." "Yes," I said. I'm glad Katie is a low maintenance girl. She's very easy to please. "I'll have Preston there for sure. I will take into consideration Cody, Tanner, John, and Nathan." "Okay. Sounds good. Just be sure to let us know if you have anyone else that you'd like to come." "Yes ma'am. I sure will." "Okay. So, I was thinking, Montana for sure. And, well, that's it really." Katie said. Realization hitting her.  "Okay. Lemme write that down real quick. Okay! What's next?"

"We'll need to search for places to have the wedding at, then the reception." One place just hit me hard. "Ooh!" I said sitting up in my seat. "What about Old Wilson's Place? It's a park with a garden that goes in the ground, you know? It's all open but it's built below ground level." "My God. I was thinking the same thing too, Sam!" Katie said. The smile on her face growing bigger and bigger. "That would be so beautiful!" Katie's mom exclaimed. "It sure would!" My mom added in. "We'll be sure to check it out and see if it's available. If not, any other ideas? "The creek. Right behind Rita's. Then, if we wanted, we could have our reception over there. But again, we'd have to see if it is available at the time."

"That sounds pretty great to me!" I was full of excitement. This girl I've loved since Sophomore year is finally gonna be my wife. "Next, decor. We said simple right? Well. This is gonna be simple." Reece added in. Clara started off with "Hay bales or folding chairs?" "Well," I said, looking to Katie. "It won't be long but... they may want to lean back and relax." "Good point. It won't be that bad either with as little guests as we're having." "We have that figured out now." Reece said writing down in her notepad, same as me and everyone else.

We all finished off our planning by 3:00 and Katie and her mom headed back home. Her and I shared a long hug. I couldn't wait till we had our own place. Aha! I thought about Urban Cowboy and what Bud does after they get married. This sounds just right. I can't wait to wake up next to her. Getting ready on weekends to go out on the town. Cooking together. It was all gonna be what my dreams were made of.

Katie's POV

"Wow! That was exhausting." I said, looking out the window at the alfalfa field. "I bet it was. That was a lot accomplished today. All we have to do now is make the calls and buy the decor. We'll have so much fun finding the decor and making our ideas come to life. Did you want to go to Hobby Lobby just to see what they have?" "You know I'll never pass up a visit there!"

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Thank you for reading and being great humans!

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