Chapter 25: BABE

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Sam's POV
FREAKING S'MORES. YESSSS. My inner kid was coming out. It'd been a while since I had them. They'll be even better on a night like this. Warm, but not humid. There was no clouds. The sky seemed even close. Like we were at the top of the world. Katie was putting her decorating skills to work. The truck was looking all prettied up. Pillows and blankets all in the bed. I'm sure we could sleep here if we wanted. But thanks to living out in the country, there's a lot of bugs. "Hey babe! That fire's lookin' good!" Katie said as she was bringing out a little table with the supplies on it. "Thanks babe. Since when do we carry that much chocolate?!" I said in shock. "Always need something sweet." "Well. That does make sense."

It was getting darker when we decided to lay down. The s'mores were great. There was great company, as always. I loved this life. I wouldn't give it up for anything. I was one lucky man. To be with such a wonderful girl. "Hey babe," I said to her. "Yeah?" "We're gonna have a baby right?" "Well duh. Of course." "Okay. I'm sorry. I'm just really anxious." "I know you are babe. And so am I. I can't wait to be a mom. Now, that's not now, but in the future. Near future." "You're not..." "No babe. No. Not yet." "Okay... Are you sure?" "BABE. YES. YES. I am sure..." I could tell I was getting on her nerves. It was cute though. She looked so cute when she got mad.

Katie's POV
I woke up to a clear blue sky. Sam was right beside me. I don't ever wanna wake up next to someone else. What time was it? I looked at my phone. It was 7:20. Good. We still had time to get ready. He had to be to work at 8. Me at 8:30. I shook Sam a bit to wake him up. "Psst. Sam. Sam." I said whispering then piping up a bit. He woke up like most people do. The eye scrunch. The small groan and release of a big breath of air. The back arch. You name it. "Damn. We did sleep in here. What time is it?" He said still rubbing his eyes. "It's about 7:25 now." "Good. Gives me time to get ready." "Yup. Thought I'd wake you up now so you could get ready and all. Me too."

It was now 8:45 and Sam and I were both at work. Same old feed store and customers. Some new ones. Most were regulars though. "Have a good day!" I said to Patsy, one of the regulars. She was a sweet lady. Hmm. I better go visit my mom on break. I'm sure she could use some company. I texted her to make sure she was free this evening for me to come over. Luckily, she was. Problem is, she had something to tell me. And that she's 'wanted to tell' me for quite some time already. I got a message from my mom again.

Mom: Please don't be mad sweetie. I would hate for that to happen. Love you.

Mad? She thinks I would be mad? Oh no. Mom barely ever makes me mad. And it's very serious if it makes me mad...

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! This isn't good. Reece has something to tell Katie that may make her mad...

SummerMemories00 <3

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