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Madison's p.o.v

Just now Serina announced that we would be getting visitors later. Serina is the women who runs the orphanage. I release a sigh, looking around my room. I've been stuck in the orphanage for a while, and I dont really get on with many of the other children either, so I usually spend the majority of my time up in my bedroom. Glancing at the time, I saw it was 10am and decided that it was probably a good idea to get up and start getting ready. After stretching,  I got up and walked towards my shower. I peeled my pyjamas off my body and stepped into the shower allowing the hot water to soak my hair. 

It was nice to have the hot water running over my body. I felt my muscles relax a little, but it also gave me a sense of feeling really refreshed. Especially with the state of the old and run down orphanage. 

After washing my hair walk over to my wardrobe and picked out a red dress with white polka dots. I sat on my stool and plugged in my hair dryer. After having blow dried my hair, I decided to straighten my hair and put on some red flats.

I sat on my bed and waited until I was called downstairs. Like I said, the majority of my time was spent up here in my room. My favourite thing to do was reading, I loved getting lost in a book, escaping from reality for a little while. Fantasy was definitely my favourite genre. I grabbed my book of New moon and continued to read it.

"Madison time to come downstairs, the guests are here" Serina called up the stairs. 

"Coming" I replied and placed my book back on the shelf and jogged down the stairs. It was always the same with visitors. You're called downstairs, you stay down there for a couple of hours, and then they leave and you're allowed to go back to whatever it was that you were doing. 

I sat in the window seat and stared out the window. A black car was in the driveway, which probably means it was the visitors car because I didn't recognise it as one of the ones that belonged to the members of staff. Whenever we got visitors, this window seat was my usual spot. Some children would immediately go up to the guests and interact with them straight away, whereas I preferred to keep out of the way. It's not like any of them paid any attention to me anyways.

I sat there quietly humming the tune to my new favourite song. I was watching the trees sway in the gentle breeze, the birds flying about and cars driving past. I wondered what it was like to have a normal life. To have a family. To be able to do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and not be stuck in an orphanage, forced to live with other children who you didn't get on with. 

I got distracted from my thoughts and brought back to reality by someone placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. Instinctively, I flinched as I turned to see who it was. It was a boy. He seemed young, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Probably the visitor because I didn't recognise him.

He crouched down to become eye level with me. "Hello there" he smiled. 

"Hi" I said merely above a whisper. Guests didn't usually interact with me, and I always got nervous talking to new people. "What's your name?" I asked. 

"I'm Niall, and this is my best friend Louis" he smiled pointing to the boy next to him. I didn't even notice Louis was stood next to Niall. Louis had short brown hair, and equally bright blue eyes. His face held a cheeky grin, but he seemed friendly. They both did. 

 "What's your name sweetie" Louis asked. 

"Madison" I replied with a slight smile.

I might actually be getting adopted. I might actually be able to get out of this place. I saw Niall whisper something to Louis and Louis nodded in response. Turning my attention back to the outside world, I reminded myself not to get my hopes up. It was heart breaking, and I had seen it happen so many times before. Guests would talk to the children, they would think that the guests like them and that they were getting adopted, but then the guest would adopt someone else, or they would leave without adopting anyone. 

"Well Madison how about you go with Louis to pack your things and I will fill out forms to adopt you?" Niall enquired. 

"You want to adopt me?" I asked quietly, looking down. Both Niall and Louis nodded, smiles spread across their faces. I gave a shy smile in response. I was excited to be finally getting adopted dont get me wrong, but the thought of it also terrified me. I would be leaving what I knew, the place that I called 'home', and going to live with people I had no idea who they were. What if I didn't like them, what if they didn't like me? I didn't even know if they were nice people, and there was always that chance of being sent back to the orphanage. I had definitely seen children being adopted but then returned back to the orphanage a little while later. 

I stood up and led Louis to where my room was. He followed me upstairs as I turned the corner and pushed the door open. I asked him to reach the suitcase which was sat on top of the wardrobe because I was too short to reach it. He placed it on the floor for me and we agreed that i would pack all of my clothes while he would pack all of my books into a box. I put my journal into my suitcase too.

Once everything was packed I followed Louis downstairs and we put it all in the car. I ran back inside to say goodbye to Serina. I didn't like anyone else so there was no point in saying goodbye to them. I knew I was going to miss Serina. She was always so nice to me, even when I was in a bad mood and wasn't nice to other people she put up with me.  

I followed Niall and Louis out to the car. I could see other children watching from the windows. Niall held the back door open of the car while I climbed in and put my seatbelt on. Niall went round to the drivers seat, and started the engine. The radio played softly in the background as Niall pulled out of the driveway. 

Authors Note: 

I'm currently editing and re-writing every chapter of this book, and the other two in this series. I wrote these when I was much younger, many years ago, but I am now 20 years old, and my writing skills have improved. I will be making the chapters longer, and more grammatically correct as well as trying to make them sound less childish. 

Thank you :) 

M x 

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