Sad Memories

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"Mum" Niall called as he ran over to give her a hug. "Hello Niall"she responded. "Hello boys" She smiled once Niall had separated from the hug.

"Hey dad" Niall high fived him.

"Mum, Dad this is Madison, you know the girl who I adopted. Madison this is my mum Maura and my dad Bobby" Niall introduced while crouching down to my height.

"Hello cutie" Maura hugged me. "Hello" I replied shyly.

"Hey there" Bobby waved.

Once the hellos were said we separated. Louis, Zayn, Liam, Harry and I clambered onto the bus. "Where is Niall going?" I asked no one in particular. "His family are dropping him off at the hotel" Liam explained.

"How long till we get to the hotel?" I asked. "Around 10 minutes" Louis replied. "I'm bored" I complained. "Here try and beat me on temple run" Lou suggested passing me his phone.

I took it in my grasp and opened the Temple Run app. Looking at his high score I noticed it was 2,482,028.

What Louis didn't know was that I am amazing at temple run. I tilted and swiped the screen at appropriate times a d passed Louis his phone back.

"WHAT! A score of 2,643,928? No one beats me" He challenged and put his phone away because we had arrived at the Hotel.

Niall was stood outside waiting for us. The boys all put their sunglasses on. There were plenty of fans about so Louis suggested I held his hand. I did feel safe with Louis but at this point I wanted Niall.

Louis walked towards the door of the bus. I stopped in my path and refused to get off the bus. "What's wrong?" Louis asked. "I want Niall" I whispered in his ear.

Lou motioned for Niall to come to the bus. I saw Niall jog over. As soon  as he was in arms reach I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs round his torso.

He held onto me and we walked through the sea of fans and finally entered the hotel lobby.

I took the lift with Niall up to room 353. I closed the door and jumped on the bed. "Niall, can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure fire away" he smiled confidently.

"Well...Uh...I don't know if you already know this but...both of my parents died due to cancer....and now that you have adopted me...would you be okay calling you...Dad?" I asked nervously.

"Sure, if it makes you feel more comfortable" he flashed a warm smile. He cane  layed next to me on my bed and pulled me closer to him. "What's wrong sweetie, you are awfully quiet today?" he questioned.

"I miss my parents" I sighed letting a tear escape my eye. "Shh it will be alright" Niall soothingly cooed. "Its the anniversary of their death in 4 days" I cried. "Do they have a grave?" He asked concerningly. I nodded. "in the churchyard near our house in London" I whispered. "in four days would you like to visit it?" "Yes please" I wiped the tears flowing from my eyes.

Niall hugged me and we sat there watching Tintin which was on the TV.

A/N: For the next chapter I would like 1 comment saying what you want to happen and 2 Votes.

Mollie x

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