The Zoo

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Madison's p.o.v

The next morning I woke up to the sound of one of the boys banging around downstairs in the kitchen. I had guessed they were trying to make breakfast, or coffee or something, but whatever it was, it was apparent that they were unsuccessful at doing it quietly. 

I pushed the covers off of me and headed over to the shower. I washed my body with my mango scented body wash, and my hair with my vanilla shampoo and conditioner and then stepped out of the shower. I wrapped myself up in a towel and then headed back to the bedroom. 

I decided to put on a black skirt and a white t-shirt with a little denim jacket over the top. I slipped on my black converse, thinking that they would suit the outfit. I sat on the bed as I towel dried my hair as best I could, brushed it, and then pulled it all back so I had two French braids, one coming down over each shoulder. 

I went downstairs and Niall and Louis were chilling in the living room, and Liam was doing something in the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen and made myself a glass of water. Liam greeted me, and I smiled, saying hello back before going to sit with Niall and Louis. 

After breakfast we all talked about what we wanted to do. Some of the suggestions were to go shopping, to go to the beach, to go to the cinema, to go and have a picnic in the park, but finally we all decided that we wanted to go to the zoo. The boys all disappeared to get ready and i helped Louis in the kitchen with making a picnic for everyone. Then when we were all ready we all piled into Liam's car before arriving at the zoo.

We headed towards the entrance and it wasn't long before we were inside the zoo. There was a man just on the inside of the entrance gates who handed me a map as we walked past him. I thanked him and showed the map to the boys.

"I want to see monkeys" I giggled.

"Well if we follow this path we walk past the gorillas, flamingos, tigers, elephants, monkeys and penguins" Zayn explained whilst reading a map.

At the gorillas cage a couple of them came right up to the glass. One of them tried to poke Louis in the face but ended up poking the glass. I found that quite funny. They then seemed to get bored of us as they turned and ran back, one of them chasing the other as it climbed up onto it's play equipment.

The flamingos area was quite boring because they were all at the back of the enclosure asleep on one leg. Harry tried to copy them by standing on one leg until I pushed him over.

"ow" he muttered returning to his feet, brushing the dust off of his trousers. "payback" he yelled and threw me over his shoulder.

I squealed as he did so and then pounded on his back demanding that he let me go. 

"Oooh the tigers are next. I'm sure they'd all like a peice of Maddie for lunch" He chuckled before placing me back on my feet at the next enclosure that belonged to the tigers.

I loved the tigers, they are my favourite animal. They were playing around in the overgrown grass and some of them were eating food that their keeper had just given them.

We strolled along the path and stopped at the elephants. We saw one squirt water, and there was a baby one.

"The baby one is cute" I commented.

"I love elephants" Louis stated.

At the monkeys enclosure I got really excited. I loved to watch them swing from tree top to tree top. They make it look so easy. 

"They make jumping around so easy," I sighed, watching them play. We stayed there for a while, all of us fascinated by the monkeys, and the way they moved around so easily before continuing to walk down the path.

"Niall I can't see" I said trying to look over the fence into the penguin enclosure. The fence was a little too high for me, they could really have done with providing a few steps for the children to stand on but unfortunately they didn't. 

"Come here pumpkin" he chuckled and lifted me up, placing me on his shoulders. The penguin just glided around on their stomachs. it was really funny to watch. A few minutes later it seemed to be feeding time at the penguin enclosure so we all decided to stay. The keeper spoke about all of the penguins individually, telling us their names, how long they'd been there, their back story and then we watched as she fed them all some fish. 


After looking at every animal in the zoo we went to the gift shop. Niall brought me a cuddly tiger and the others got me a cuddly monkey. I thanked them and we walked back to the car. Liam drove, with Zayn in the passenger seat beside him. Niall, Harry and I were in the middle row and Liam was sat in the back. 

I sat between Harry and Niall clutching on to my new toys. My eyes were growing heavy and my head began to drop as I was beginning to fall asleep. I kept opening my eyes, trying my best to stay awake, and I jumped as I felt my head drop and it hit Niall's shoulder.

"Go to sleep baby" Niall cooed before laying my head on his lap. I was exhausted and didn't resist, I laid there and it wasn't long before I felt myself falling asleep on his lap while he stroked his fingers through my hair.

I felt someone pick me up and carry me up the stairs, and then placing me on my bed. They wrapped the duvet around me before leaving the room.

Soon I fell asleep. 

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