(18) Light Show

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The show had ended and all throughout they had exchanged sweet embraces and devilishly long kisses. As they headed back to the car Sebastian held her hand in his, twining his fingers delicately in her own. The drive back to her hotel was better than the initial drive to the restaurant. It was just as light hearted even without the blaring music. He touched her thigh whenever the road would allow one handed steering. They stole glances at each other at stop lights and their silence was all they had to say to each other. Both of them knew what they felt for each other; not only a great friendship but a wonderful romance.

For the second time that day Sebastian parked at Isabel's hotel. They both exited the car and he made his way over to her.

"I had such a great time Isa." He breathed, moving closer to her until she was stuck between the car and him; a place she was happy to be stuck in.

"So did I Seb." She replied just as eagerly.

She knew what was coming. He lifted her face between his hands and kissed her. This time it was slow, almost sensual. He moved his hands to her waist, slipping them lower than any kiss prior. She arched against him, reaching up and laying a palm on his chest, her other hand stroked his cheek as she let him find his way to the base of her neck. She was sure she would collapse if she didn't stop soon.

Finally they broke apart, both of them drawing a much needed breath. Isabel thought for a moment before choosing her next words. It would be so simple. Ask him to take them both to his apartment and not her hotel room. Heaven knows she wanted to, but any self respect she had for herself told her it was too soon. No matter how much they got along or how much they both wanted to spend the night together, they had only met yesterday. So with a sigh she said,

"I hope I get to see you again?"

Sebastian made a small smile, as he realised she had made her decision.

"Of course. Press is usually finished by the afternoon so after that Im all yours."

With another swift kiss, Isabel held onto his hand for as long as she could before letting go and heading upstairs to her hotel room.

She swiped her card to enter and quietly surveyed her room. She saw that Reagan was already in bed, so she tip toed into the bathroom to take off her makeup and dress into her pyjamas. Once she exited the bathroom, the scene before her had changed. No longer was Reagan muddled in her bed sheets, instead, she was bolt upright with the lights turned on. Her hair was strewn across one side of her head while her pyjama top was bunched up around her waist. She stared at Isabel with wide yet bleary eyes, her expression questioning.

"Spill it missy." were her first words.

Isabel sighed and flung herself into her own bed. She paused for a few moments, letting her friend marinate in suspense. Then finally she spoke.

"It was incredible Rea. Dinner was better than I expected. We talked so much, like we had been friends for years. He was 100 percent genuine and oh man, he makes me laugh so much. And he's so down to earth and just a really cool guy."

Isabel stopped and thought back over their night. It truly had been amazing.

"Blah blah blah. Get to the good stuff!" Reagan pressed.

Isabel laughed at her friend's eagerness.

"Well...we did kiss."

Reagan's mouth fell to the floor with silent shock. Her eyes widened even further.

"Oh. My. God. Was it totally firework generating?"

Another laugh from Isabel.

"It was a total light show." 

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