(21) The Move

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It had been two months since Isabel had met Sebastian. Once she had returned to Chicago, Sebastian had made every effort to visit her for as many days as he could. Sometimes he would stay a week, while other times it would be a brief weekend. Now the time had come for Isabel to make the move to New York.

She sat on the floor of her bedroom, taking in the scene before her. It was all completely empty besides her mattress and desk, neither of which she would need once she moved. Most of her clothes had already been shipped to Sebastian's apartment. She remembered when the first box had arrived in NY and he had called her remarking,

"Isa how much clothing do you have?! I'll have to buy another wardrobe!"

She laughed at the memory and smiled when she thought that in a few hours, she could hear his voice in person once more. Just then, her phone buzzed alight with Amanda's name.

"Hey Amanda!"

"Hi Isa, how're you feeling? Nervous?"
"No I'm pretty okay. Sad to be leaving of course but still really excited."

"Aw that's so great. Isa I just wanted to call because I know you're leaving shortly. I just wanted to say that it was such a pleasure working with you. Though I am so jealous that the New York team gets to reap your talent now, Im so happy for you. You deserve every happiness."

Isabel could feel the tears welling inside her, but she steadied her voice.

"Amanda, I couldn't have asked for a better boss. You're more than that to me, you're my friend and I'll miss you."

With that they said their goodbyes.

Isabel stood up and grabbed her remaining luggage just as Reagan and Nicholas peered into her room.

"Hey Isa? Ready?" Reagan asked.

Isabel took a final glance at her bedroom and then replied with a melancholy


Nicholas had agreed to drive Isabel and Reagan to the airport because he had a bigger car, and Reagan was worried that if she cried during the goodbye, she wouldn't make a very good driver.

All too soon they were at the airport, and after finding the relevant gate Isabel sent a quick text to Sebastian.

"Im at the airport just waiting for them to call my seat number. Be with you soon xx"

In seconds he replied.

"I haven't slept all night waiting to see you. Tell the pilot to hurry, there's no traffic in the air. I love you xxx"

She smiled, but when the cabin crew called her time to board, the smile faded into a small whimper as she hugged her best friend.

"Don't be silly Rea of course Im still going to see you! Come by any time and I'll do the same."

Both girls wiped their eyes and even Nicholas's face had a downturned smile. All too soon, she was aboard her plane. It then dawned on Isabel that in a few short hours she would be living with Sebastian. 

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