(20) Boldness

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Isabel had been to his apartment only twice before. Once when he had cooked dinner for her and another when she desperately needed to use the bathroom before heading out to a theatre show. As they stepped into the wide open living area Isabel was greeted by the smell of vanilla and coffee. It was the scent she had associated with him ever since being together.

As Sebastian made his way to his bedroom to pick out another shirt, Isabel moseyed her way around the room. She noticed photographs of family members placed neatly across bookshelves, sharing the space with several Marvel comics and a few fantasy novels. The kitchen was tidy except for a glass upturned in the sink, and the couch was positioned flush against a wall, with many plush pillows and a throw blanket. Isabel remembered when she had come over for dinner the first time, and how her and Sebastian had turned that couch into a mess. She smiled secretively at herself. He was a lot of fun to kiss.

As she continued to pace around the room she reached the edge of his bedroom door, and after a moment of hesitation decided to peek inside. The door was ajar, so she could barely see, but what she saw was enough. He was standing in front of his closet shirtless, arms folded and scolding at what he had before him. She knew that look of frustration well. He bit his lip in his classic fashion and squinted his eyes. Clearly he was having trouble choosing something. As he ran his hand over his mouth, his frustration clearly growing, Isabel took the time to drink him in as much as she could. His shirtless body so sculpted and perfectly shaped. His broad shoulders rounding at the edges as he hunched over decided on what to wear. His hands, large in size but delicate to the touch running through his still long hair. Isabel drew breath as she steadied herself against the outer door frame. It was no secret to either of them that at some point their relationship would lead to something much more intimate. But neither of them had pushed the subject, knowing that it would happen when it was the right time. So as Isabel pondered the facts before her: she was leaving tomorrow and wouldn't see him for who knows how long, he had just agreed to let her stay with him if she moved to New York, he was mind-numbingly attractive, the answer was simple. Now was the right time.

She steeled herself for her upcoming move of sheer boldness and then took a step. She gently pushed the door open and this was what got his attention. He turned to face her, his body even more magnificent when it was squarely in front of her.

"Hey!" he said in mock surprise as she walked in.

She didn't say a word, and she watched as his eyes grew wide as she approached him. She reached out to his torso and ran her small hands over it. He bent his head to look at her and before she could move he had both hands on her waist, holding her steady. She dipped her head and kissed his chest and then trailed to his neck. She relished in the way his body shuddered beneath her touch.

"Isa you're going to have to stop or I wont be able to." Sebastian whispered, as she painstakingly reached his lips and barely touched them to his. She flicked her eyes up at him, always wondering how anyone could possess ones so blue.

"Who says I want you to stop?" She asked seriously.

His eyes fell closed as he gripped her waist harder than he had ever before and crashed his hungry lips onto hers. She could feel his heart through his chest and it almost matched hers in speed. He moved his hands from her waist to the backs of her knees, and before she knew it she had her legs around his waist, and he pulled them both down so he was sitting on the edge of his bed and she on him.

She let his hands roam over her body as much as he wanted, enjoying his strength and tenderness at the same time. He ran his fingers across the hem of her t-shirt and she bit his lip to tell him to hurry. In a movement much too fluid, he had discarded her top so now they were both equal in exposed skin.

There was nothing more sensual than skin to skin contact, and nothing more exhilarating than knowing that the man touching her was the one she loved. He brought his kisses down her neck and all over her collar bone taking one breast in his hand and ravishing the other. She moaned a deep guttural sound in her throat, one she had never emitted before, and this was only fuel for Sebastian's fire.

In a few short moments he had her pinned to the bed, his luscious lips never leaving her skin. Her hands tangled in his hair, making sure he never left her for too long. Her legs gripped his waist as if for dear life and she felt him holding his own weight so as to not crush her too much. He was after all, a very well built human. Moments later, all clothing was removed and both lovers closed their eyes as they fell into a pleasurable abyss.

As they lay in bed with the sun now dying outside, Sebastian lay with his head on her stomach and Isabel's legs tangled in his own. He caressed her thigh with his hands and kissed her navel repeatedly. They stayed in that luxurious hug for what seemed like an eternity, and then Sebastian muttered the words they both knew were coming.

"I love you." 

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