(16) Music

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Sebastian pulled into the parking lot of a small but sweet looking tavern a few blocks from the restaurant. Isabel could hear music playing from beyond the brick walls. Sebastian killed the engine and stepped out hastily, not even giving Isabel the chance to gather her things. Before she could realise, he was sidled up next to her door and pulling it open, extending a hand towards her and putting on a faux British accent,

"My lady." He joked

She giggled at his silliness and stepped out towards the tavern. As they reached the door Sebastian placed one hand firmly on the small of her waist, while the other grabbed the hand rail of the door and pushed it open. He gently guided her into the venue, and luckily so as Isabel thought for sure she would forget how to walk with his warmth so radiant on her body.

She was assaulted by the sounds of wailing guitars and steady drum beats. She looked towards the stage and her eyes fell on four very 70's Rock looking men, already slightly intoxicated and sweaty from their warm up. The venue was full of people all drinking and laughing, but thankfully for Isabel, the ever considerate man beside her never let go of her waist. He pulled her next to him and walked her through the mad crowd until they both reached the stage. One of the men on stage spotted Sebastian and leaned down to shake his hand. Sebastian reached up and shook it firmly.

"Dude, so glad you came!" The rocker yelled

"Ha, wouldn't miss it! This is Isabel." Sebastian slightly shouted to make himself heard. He gestured towards Isabel and the stranger extended a large guitarists hand towards her.

"Hey darlin' how are you?"

"Great thanks, excited to hear some music!"

"Hopefully I can deliver." He replied, with a sly wink in her direction.

"Hey hey hands off you sleaze, she's here with me." Sebastian interjected as he noticed his friend eyeing up Isabel. She felt his grip tighten as he spoke and he pressed her lightly into his side. It was all she could do from squeaking in delight.

His friend laughed off his comment and returned to his band mates. Sebastian steered them both back into the crowd, settling on a quieter corner of the room.

"That was Sam, we met at University during an arts class. He did music and I did...well you know." Sebastian explained with a smile. Isabel looked up at him, and she didn't know whether it was the lighting or the second glass of wine she had at dinner, but he looked exquisite enough to devour whole.

She felt her eyes grow heavy as her head filled with the scent of cigarette smoke, wine on her tongue and his Armani scent. Her mind wandered to moments before when Sebastian had told Sam she's here with me like she was only meant for him. Before she could stop herself, she tilted her head slightly and the glimmer from her eyes caught his attention. With his hand still steadily holding her waist, his other hand found his way there as well. She turned in his iron like grip to face him and she longed for him to close the gap between them.

She didn't have to wait long.

He looked at her lips before fluttering his eyes closed, and she let him lean in to plant a sweet kiss delicately on her own. It was like a thunderbolt raged through her body. She felt her pulse quicken and her skin boil as her arms found their way around his neck. He bent slightly more under her reach and Isabel felt him deepen the kiss by pulling her into a strong hug against his chest. His lips never left hers and she twined her hands through his still long hair. She could hear him groan in the back of his throat as she pulled away, reluctantly realising she needed oxygen.

Though their lips had broken free, their bodies had not, and he pressed his forehead against her own and whispered a barely audible:

"Damn you Isa." and he chuckled before catching her mouth once more, this time with more confidence and want. 

Hearts of New York - A Sebastian Stan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now