(23) New York

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Two weeks after Isabel's arrival in New York and she was due to begin her first day at the NY Two Keys office. Having already met the team she felt right at home on her first day. All through the day she was bombarded with questions about Sebastian, earning her a few wolf whistles from the guys and awwwwww's from the girls. Isabel truly couldn't be happier.

Sebastian had just began work on a new film but thankfully his role was primarily in New York, so he managed to come home every night. During her lunch break Isabel picked up a call from Sebastian:

"Hey Isa! How's your first day?"

"Oh it's great Seb everyone's really nice and they're all dying to meet you."

"Haha I'm sure I'll meet them all soon. Listen I have some bad news. I won't be able to come home at the usual time tonight; a few pieces of equipment failed so we need to re-do some scenes. Sorry hon."

"Oh no! That's okay Seb."

"But I actually wanted to ask if you wanted to come down to set? You've never been here before and I thought you'd like to come hang out?"

"Hey that sounds so cool! I'd love to, just send me the address of where you'll be and I'll come after work."

A quick text later and Isabel saved the address to her phone. Once the day was finished and her co-workers finally let her leave the building, she hailed a cab and set off for the address.

The drive was long in comparison to her usual trip to work, but she was excited to walk onto set and see Sebastian in action. She pulled up to what looked like an abandoned warehouse had it not been for all the camera equipment and film crew swarming the place. She thanked the driver and stepped out into the cooling NY air.

As she approached she saw Sebastian having his make-up re touched by an assistant. She smiled secretly to herself. He was much too handsome. Just next to him another older man was getting his hair fixed and as soon as the assistants walked off set, a man in a cap and glasses yelled action.

Sebastian transformed into someone else, spitting lines at his co-star in an enraged fight they were conducting. Neither actor missed a beat and when the director yelled cut Isabel could tell everyone was happy with that take.

She watched as everyone gathered around a small monitor and replayed the previous scene. She saw Sebastian smile and couldn't wait to head over to him. She waited until she was sure he was finished before walking across the lot. As she did, her eyes never left him and she thought back to what had happened with them. Almost three months ago, she had met an actor, too gorgeous and successful to ever look at her twice. They had connected, flirted and danced and now here they were. Completely in love with each other, in one of the best cities in the world. Every night she was lucky enough to say Goodnight to the man who kissed her back. This is where she belonged.

Finally she was close enough for Sebastian to hear her approaching footsteps. He glanced up from the cup of water in his hands and smiled lovingly at her. He opened his arms and she fell into them, already having missed him throughout the day. When they broke apart he held her a little longer and spoke gently into her ear like a secret,

"You look like a New Yorker."

She smiled at him and replied,

"I feel like one."

Before sinking into a kiss hello. 

Hearts of New York - A Sebastian Stan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now